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Josephine Bertha Scheerer

Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Union Grove, Racine County, Wisconsin, USA, Plot: F - 40

Grab-Standort: F - 40

Besitzer des Originals bzw. der VorlageAnn Day
Datum27 Mrz 2016
Größe354 x 617
Verknüpft mitScheerer, Josephine Bertha - wife of

Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Union Grove, Racine County, Wisconsin, USA

Notizen: 21731 Spring Street
Union Grove
Racine County
Wisconsin USA
Postal Code: 53182
Phone: 262-878-5660
Cemetery notes and/or description:
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery was established in 1996 and dedicated in 1998. It contains 105 acres. Located next to the Southern Wisconsin Center northwest of Union Grove, this is one of three cemeteries operated by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. The other two are Central Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in King and Northern Wisconsin Veterans Cemetery near Spooner. Burial is provided for Wisconsin veterans who meet eligibility requirements, as well as their spouses and dependent children.

Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
1Josephine Bertha Scheerer Josephine Bertha Scheerer
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Union Grove, Racine County, Wisconsin, USA, Plot: F - 40 
2Theodore J. Scheerer Theodore J. Scheerer
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Union Grove, Racine County, Wisconsin, USA, Plot: F - 40 

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