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Carol Dean Uhrich

Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA

Besitzer des Originals bzw. der VorlageValerie Timm Adams
Datum10 Mrz 2014
Größe665 x 322
Verknüpft mitUhrich, Carol Dean

Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA

Notizen: 1.713 Graves (2016)
Cemetery notes and/or description:
Hillcrest Cemetery is about 1/2 mile south of Harrington, on the east side of the Harrington-Tokio Road. Hillcrest Cemetery was established in 1898 with the first burial of Georgia Bethel in May 1898. Harrington, previously, had a cemetery 2 miles south of Harrington which was moved into this new cemetery in Nov 1898. Hillcrest is owned and maintained by the City of Harrington. The sexton records are at city hall. Adjoining Hillcrest Cemetery, to the south, is St Francis of Assisi Cemetery, also owned by the City of Harrington. It is a separate cemetery formerly owned by the Catholic church.

Hillcrest Cemetery


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
1Carol Dean Uhrich Carol Dean Uhrich
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
2Elena I. Swenson Elena I. Swenson
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
3Elizabeth Caroline Nyberg Elizabeth Caroline Nyberg
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
4Ernest Luther Womach Ernest Luther Womach
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
5Hugo Meske Hugo Meske
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
6John Schultz John Schultz
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
7Leona Mann Leona Mann
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
8Minnie A. Rompel Minnie A. Rompel
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
9Robert L. Sewall Robert L. Sewall
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 
10Walter B. Sandau Walter B. Sandau
Hillcrest Cemetery, Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington, USA 

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