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Herman G. Pinter

Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bay City, Bay County, Michigan, USA, military section

Grab-Standort: military section

Besitzer des Originals bzw. der VorlageRAP
Datum18 Nov 2016
Größe738 x 353
Verknüpft mitPinter, Herman G. Jr.

Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bay City, Bay County, Michigan, USA

Notizen: 5.535 Graves (Jan 2017)
Cemetery notes and/or description:
This is a very large cemetery with many sections that are clearly marked. However, without a section and lot number, it would be nearly impossible to find a burial to fulfill a photo request. The sexton of the cemetery can be reached at 989-684-0750 for the location of one or two burials, but if you have a list of multiple burials, it would be best to write to the cemetery address and include a SASE for a reply before you repost your photo requests with the plot information.

Oak Ridge Cemetery


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
1Herman G. Pinter Herman G. Pinter
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Bay City, Bay County, Michigan, USA, military section 

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