Friedhof Johannestal, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, UdSSR
Geographische Breite: 47.12619005867046, Geographische Länge: 31.33553981781006 | Hier klicken, um eine Wegbeschreibung zu bekommen nach Friedhof Johannestal

Cemetery notes and/or description:
Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia currently Ivanivka, Mykolaivs'ka, Ukraine.
The JOHANNESTAL CEMETERY's location, when established in about 1820, was adjacent to the German settlement then known as Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia.
German tombstones within the JOHANNESTAL CEMETERY were stripped of all valuables and virtually destroyed by the Russians. This practice was almost universal throughout south Russia after the Germans were no longer welcome there.