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 Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA

Geographische Breite: 39.83043133444297, Geographische Länge: -77.70205289125443 | Hier klicken, um eine Wegbeschreibung zu bekommen nach Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery
Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery

439 Graves (Aug 2017)
Browns Mill Rd, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA
Cemetery notes and/or description:
This graveyard is located directly south of the Brown's Mill schoolhouse, near Kauffman Station. This is one of the oldest cemeteries in Antrim township, with legible markers dating back to the 1770s.
The church originally associated with this cemetery was locally known as "Trinity Church". A school was erected in connection with the church in 1836. The school still stands and has become a historic landmark, as shown in the photo below. The land for the school was donated by Lazarus Brown, who is buried here.
Antrim township used this school for educational purposes until 1922. In 1935, the school building was restored by a memorial association of interested persons. Currently the site is administered by the Pennsylvnia Historical and Museum Commission.


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
Florence L. Hess
Florence L. Hess
Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA 
Harold E. Hawbaker
Harold E. Hawbaker
Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA 

Alle Beerdigungen

 #   Nachname, Taufnamen   Begraben   Personen-Kennung 
1. Hawbaker, Harold E.   gest. 31 Jan 1998 Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort I167958
2. Hess, Florence L.   gest. 12 Aug 2000 Browns Mill Presbyterian Cemetery, Kauffman, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort I167959