Bitter Lake Congregational Cemetery, Richmound, Division No.8, Saskatchewan, Canada
Geographische Breite: 50.22412437069802, Geographische Länge: -109.87632876669522 | Hier klicken, um eine Wegbeschreibung zu bekommen nach Bitter Lake Congregational Cemetery
33 Graves (Mrz 2017)
Cemetery notes and/or description:
This plot known to some as the Hendrie Cemetery is located 12 miles west of Golden Prairie, Saskatchewan. Originally a German Congregational Church was organized at this location. In later years, it became the Good Hope United Church.
The one acre plot is located in the southwest corner of SW 01-15-29-W3. The barbed wire fence had fallen down, the grass had not been cut in years and several of the grave markers required attention as per a site visit on October 11, 1996.
Alle Beerdigungen
# | Nachname, Taufnamen | Begraben | Personen-Kennung | |
1. | Auch, Christian | gest. 12 Mai 1924 | Bitter Lake Congregational Cemetery, Richmound, Division No.8, Saskatchewan, Canada | I162861 |
2. | Heinle, Karolina | gest. 3 Sep 1938 | Bitter Lake Congregational Cemetery, Richmound, Division No.8, Saskatchewan, Canada | I160348 |