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Price, Carbon County, Utah, USA


Wikipedia 2018:

Price is a city in Carbon County, Utah, United States. The city is home to Utah State University Eastern, as well as the USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum. Price is located within short distances of both Nine Mile Canyon and the Manti-La Sal National Forest. Price is noted as a mining town, as well as for its history as a religious and ethnically diverse community, very atypical for Utah. Greek, Italian, eastern European, Mexican, Japanese and many other ethnic groups made up the population of the city and surrounding towns and communities. There has historically been a wide range of religions present in these areas, including Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Protestant and Mormon.

The population was 8,715 at the 2010 census. Price is the county seat of, and largest city in, Carbon County.

Ort : Geographische Breite: 39.5999613, Geographische Länge: -110.8103715


Treffer 1 bis 2 von 2

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Geburt    Personen-Kennung 
1 Leonard, Jean Louise  7 Jun 1928Price, Carbon County, Utah, USA I179840
2 Waterman, Sue  13 Jan 1938Price, Carbon County, Utah, USA I12703