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Mount Washington Cemetery, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA


37.576 Graves (2016)

Also known as: Mount Washington Forever Cemetery

614 S Brookside Ave, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA

Postal Code: 64053-1615

Phone: (816) 252-4141

Cemetery notes and/or description:

If you have someone buried here and you'd like a picture of their stone, you might want to call the cemetery to get a location for the volunteer as the cemetery charges for non-family lookups.

Mount Washington consists of 287 acres.

The gates are only open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Mount Washington Forever cemetery is a Historical Landmark, founded in 1900.

Adresse : Geographische Breite: 39.09911196732482, Geographische Länge: -94.471054316964


   Name   Ort 
1.Mount Washington CemeteryIndependence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA


Treffer 1 bis 2 von 2

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Beerdigung    Personen-Kennung 
1 Grossman, Ernest  Mount Washington Cemetery, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA I159362
2 Grossman, Evelyn - wife of  Mount Washington Cemetery, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA I159363