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Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA


Wikipedia 2015:

Great Falls is a city in and the county seat of Cascade County, Montana, United States. The 2013 census estimate put the population at 59,351. The population was 58,505 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city of the Great Falls, Montana Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cascade County and has a population of 82,384. Great Falls was the largest city in Montana from 1950 to 1970, when Billings surpassed it. Great Falls remained the second largest city in Montana until 2000, when it was passed by Missoula. Since then Great Falls has been the third largest city in the state.

Great Falls takes its name from the series of five waterfalls in close proximity along the upper Missouri River basin that the Lewis and Clark Expedition had to portage around over a ten-mile stretch; the effort required 31 days of arduous labor during the westward leg of their 1805-06 exploration of the Louisiana Purchase and to the Pacific Northwest Coast of the Oregon Country. Each falls sports a hydroelectric dam today, hence Great Falls is nicknamed "the Electric City". Currently there are two undeveloped parts of their portage route; these are included within the Great Falls Portage, a National Historic Landmark.

The city is home to the C. M. Russell Museum Complex, the University of Great Falls, Great Falls College Montana State University, Giant Springs, the Roe River (claimed to be the world's shortest river), the Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind, the Great Falls Voyagers minor league baseball (formerly known as the Great Falls White Sox and before that as the Dodgers and Giants respectively) team, and Malmstrom Air Force Base. The local newspaper is the Great Falls Tribune. A Coldwell Banker Home Price Comparison Index listed Great Falls as the most affordable area of 348 markets in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.


The first human beings to live in the Great Falls area were Paleo-Indians who migrated into the region between 9,500 BCE and 8,270 BCE. The earliest inhabitants of North America entered Montana east of the Continental Divide between the mountains and the Laurentide ice sheet. The area remained only sparsely inhabited, however. Salish Indians would often hunt bison in the region on a seasonal basis, but no permanent settlements existed at or near Great Falls for much of prehistory. Around 1600, Piegan Blackfoot Indians, migrating west, entered the area, pushing the Salish back into the Rocky Mountains and claiming the site now known as Great Falls as their own. The Great Falls location remained the tribal territory of the Blackfeet until long after the United States claimed the region in 1803.

Meriwether Lewis was the first white person to visit the area, which he did on June 13, 1805, as part of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. York, an African American slave owned by William Clark and who had participated in the Expedition, was the first black American to visit the site of the future city.

Following the return passage of Lewis and Clark in 1806, there is no record of any white person visiting the site of the city of Great Falls until explorer and trapper Jim Bridger reached the area in 1822. Bridger and Major Andrew Henry led a fur-trading expedition to the future city location in April 1823 (and were attacked by Blackfeet Indians while camping at the site). British explorer Alexander Ross trapped around Great Falls in 1824. In 1838, a mapping expedition sent by the U.S. federal government and guided by Bridger spent four years in the area. Margaret Harkness Woodman became the first white woman to visit the Great Falls area in 1862.

The Great Falls of the Missouri River marked the limit of the navigable section of the Missouri River for non-portagable watercraft, and the non-navigability of the falls was noted by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2012 ruling against the State of Montana on the question of streambed ownership beneath several dams situated at the site of the falls. The first steamboat arrived at future site of the city in 1859.

Politically, the future site of Great Falls passed through numerous hands in the 19th century. It was part of the unincorporated frontier until May 30, 1854, when Congress established the Nebraska Territory. Indian attacks on white explorers and settlers dropped significantly after Isaac Stevens negotiated the Treaty of Hellgate in 1855, and white settlement in the area began to occur. On March 2, 1861, the site became part of the Dakota Territory. The Great Falls area was incorporated into the Idaho Territory on March 4, 1863, and then into the Montana Territory on May 28, 1864. It became part of the state of Montana upon that territory's admission to statehood on November 8, 1889.

Great Falls was founded in 1883. Businessman Paris Gibson visited the Great Falls of the Missouri River in 1880, and was deeply impressed by the possibilities for building a major industrial city near the falls with power provided by hydroelectricity. He returned in 1883 with friend Robert Vaughn and some surveyors and platted a permanent settlement the south side of the river. The city's first citizen, Silas Beachley, arrived later that year. With investments from railroad owner James J. Hill and Helena businessman Charles Arthur Broadwater, houses, a store, and a flour mill were established in 1884. The Great Falls post office was established on July 10, 1884, and Paris Gibson was named the first postmaster. A planing mill, lumber yard, bank, school, and newspaper were established in 1885. By 1887 the town had 1,200 citizens, and in October of that year the Great Northern Railway arrived in the city. Great Falls was incorporated on November 28, 1888.

Black Eagle Dam was built in 1890, and by 1912 Rainbow Dam and Volta Dam (now Ryan Dam) were all operating.

Great Falls quickly became a thriving industrial and supply center and, by the early 1900s, was en route to becoming one of Montana's largest cities. The rustic studio of famed Western artist Charles Marion Russell was a popular attraction, as were the famed "Great Falls of the Missouri", after which the city was named. A structure billed as the "world's tallest smokestack" was completed in 1908 by the city's largest employer, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's smelter, measuring 508 feet (155 m) tall. The Big Stack immediately became a landmark for the community. The Big Stack's 'sister' stack in Anaconda was suffering from cracking and it was decided to remove the support bands from the upper half of the Big Stack and send them to Anaconda. This action proved to be the Big Stack's ultimate demise since the cracks it suffered from rapidly worsened. Citing public safety concerns due to the stack's continual deterioration of its structural integrity it was slated for demolition on September 18, 1982. In an interesting twist of fate the demolition crew failed to accomplish the task on the first try; the two worst cracks in the stack ran from just above ground level to nearly 300 feet up. As the 600 lbs of explosives were set off (which was to create a wedge in the base so it would fall almost vertically into a large trench for the rubble) the cracks 'completed themselves' all the way to the ground—effectively severing the stack into two-thirds and one-third pieces. Much to the delight of the spectating community, the smaller of the two pieces remained standing, but the failed demolition only solidified the safety issue whereas the community cited the event as the stack's defiance. The demolition team who had planted the charges was recalled and several hours later they returned and finished the demolition, after packing another 400 lbs of explosives into the smaller wedge.

During World War II the Northwest Staging Route passed through the city on which planes were delivered to the USSR according to the Lend-Lease program. Great Falls prospered further with the opening of a nearby military base in the 1940s, but as rail transportation and freight slowed in the later part of the century, outlying farming areas lost population, and with the closure of the smelter and cutbacks at Malmstrom Air Force Base in the 1980s, its population growth slowed.

The economy of Great Falls has suffered from the decline of heartland industry in recent years much like other cities in the Great Plains and Midwest.

Ort : Geographische Breite: 47.4941836, Geographische Länge: -111.28334489999997


Treffer 1 bis 11 von 11

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Geburt    Personen-Kennung 
1 Gemar, Lee Geoffrey  1 Feb 1954Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I33768
2 Gemar, Lloyd Peter  28 Jul 1935Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I9254
3 Giersdorf, Robert  24 Feb 1935Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I91944
4 Gretton, Margaret Louise  26 Apr 1896Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I21867
5 Jerome, Donald Charles  17 Nov 1922Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I265970
6 Kauk, Richard Gene  10 Aug 1939Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I10025
7 McDermand, Robert John  Jun 1936Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I10041
8 Regan, Dolores Marie  21 Okt 1935Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I279620
9 Womack, Lucille B.  28 Feb 1923Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I129702
10 Zimbelman, Jean Claire  7 Okt 1939Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I533
11 Zimbelman, Jerry Claude  7 Okt 1939Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I534


Treffer 1 bis 33 von 33

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Tod    Personen-Kennung 
1 Alexandersen, Anna Katherine  21 Aug 1994Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I187513
2 Aman, Ray Clement  17 Jun 2003Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I170672
3 Anderson, Harold Sterling  11 Jun 2006Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I136821
4 Bitz, Katharine Madeline  25 Mai 2017Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I2039
5 Bitz, Leona June  15 Apr 1965Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I2037
6 Bitz, Sebastian Georg  2 Jun 1972Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I1660
7 Bowersox, Marjory Ellen  29 Jan 2008Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I165385
8 Brandner, Adelia  16 Mrz 1987Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I117965
9 Dickhoff, Rudolph  10 Sep 1990Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I117966
10 Flom, Joyce Marie  28 Aug 2013Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I18953
11 Gemar, Edwin  8 Jun 2017Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I9253
12 Gemar, Elisabeth  1 Mrz 1970Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I21862
13 Gemar, Harold Fred  30 Jan 1965Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I9249
14 Gemar, Lee Geoffrey  7 Mrz 2007Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I33768
15 Gemar, Leroy Henry  11 Aug 1999Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I9251
16 Gemar, Peter  29 Aug 1952Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I2041
17 Glaser, Barbara  8 Okt 1948Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I99568
18 Grenz, Alexzine Lydine  3 Nov 2008Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I108220
19 Jerome, Glen Wallace  9 Feb 1986Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I265969
20 Kallenberger, Raymond Harold  20 Mai 1997Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I5359
21 Malsam, Theresa Agnes  19 Sep 1984Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I280036
22 O'Brien, Margaret  Okt 1987Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I116504
23 Orth, Sophia  16 Apr 1956Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I86074
24 Rosin, Matthäus  3 Aug 1971Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I53234
25 Schatzenbach, Hazel  29 Dez 2003Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I132476
26 Schauer, Eva S.  vor Feb 1997Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I62591
27 Schlepp, Leonard Harold  10 Aug 1980Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I6134
28 Schlepp, Waven George  28 Sep 2009Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I6138
29 Ulmer, Gustave  18 Aug 1952Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I86075
30 Wiest, Albert  9 Feb 1993Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I90883
31 Wild, Emilie Elisabeth  14 Nov 2002Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I279618
32 Zimbelman, Henry Frederick  20 Mai 1979Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I1565
33 Zimbelmann, Sophia  18 Jan 1958Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I1691


Treffer 1 bis 2 von 2

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Beerdigung    Personen-Kennung 
1 Weisenburger, Kathryn Edith  Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I89052
2 Wiederrich, Albert  Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA I279617


Treffer 1 bis 10 von 10

   Familie    Eheschließung    Familien-Kennung 
1 Beierle / Kirkaldie  2 Nov 1962Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F29586
2 Gemar / Gretton  15 Okt 1917Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F7333
3 Harr / Anderson  1940Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F27835
4 Kinzler / O'Brien  Mai 1967Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F37276
5 Moser / Kauk  12 Mrz 1931Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F3556
6 Schlepp / Armstrong  24 Mrz 1937Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F2193
7 Tronson / Alexandersen  14 Feb 1912Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F62724
8 Weisenburger / Nestoruk  1949Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F27684
9 Wiest / Womack  14 Nov 1948Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F42546
10 Zimbelman / Tronson  31 Dez 1938Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, USA F513