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Acacia Memorial Park, Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, USA


Also known as: Acacia Memorial Park Association of Modesto, Masonic Cemetery

801 Scenic Drive


Stanislaus County

California USA

Postal Code: 95350

Phone: 209-522-0452


Cemetery notes and/or description:

Established in 1872 as the "Masonic Cemetery", "Acacia Memorial Park" has since expanded to incorporate the "Odd Fellows Cemetery" (1920's), the "Pine Trees" section along Bodem Street (1960) and Stanislaus County property near the corner of Scenic and Bodem Streets (early 1990's). Renamed "Acacia Memorial Park" in 1964, it is currently administered by the "Acacia Memorial Park Association of Modesto" under the auspices of Modesto Lodge #206 F. & A.M.

Adresse : Geographische Breite: 37.649659232666835, Geographische Länge: -120.98153114318848


   Name   Ort 
1.Acacia Memorial ParkModesto, Stanislaus County, California, USA


Treffer 1 bis 3 von 3

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Beerdigung    Personen-Kennung 
1 Axt, Charles  Acacia Memorial Park, Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, USA I127346
2 Heitzmann, Martha M.  Acacia Memorial Park, Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, USA I92246
3 Reichert, Edward  21 Jan 1981Acacia Memorial Park, Modesto, Stanislaus County, California, USA I5684