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 Friedhöfe und Grabsteine in Midland County, Michigan, USA

 Vorschaubild Beschreibung Status Ort Name (Verstorben/begraben)
Alfred M. Havas
Alfred M. Havas
Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Midland, Midland County, Michigan, USA 
  Garden of the 4 Apostles-Section 3 Row 20  Havas, Alfred M. (gest. Sep 1968)
Augusta W. Havas
Augusta W. Havas
Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Midland, Midland County, Michigan, USA 
  Garden of the 4 Apostles-Section 3 Row 20  Havas, Augusta W. - wife of (gest. 1995)
Marjorie Ernestine Fuller
Marjorie Ernestine Fuller
Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Midland, Midland County, Michigan, USA 
  Garden of the 4 Apostles-Section 3 Row 43  Fuller, Marjorie Ernestine (gest. 28 Mai 1982)
William Delbert Jacobs
William Delbert Jacobs
Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Midland, Midland County, Michigan, USA 
  Garden of the 4 Apostles-Section 3 Row 43  Jacobs, William Delbert (gest. 24 Sep 2018)