Buxmann, Johannes

Name Buxmann, Johannes Geburt 1776 Müller, Gebiet Saratov, Region Wolga, Rußland [1]
Geschlecht männlich Tod Datum unbekannt Personen-Kennung I96651 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30 Dez 2017
Vater Buxmann, Johann Georg, geb. 19 Jun 1745, Ueberau, Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg, Hessen, Deutschland gest. nach 1798, Müller, Gebiet Saratov, Region Wolga, Rußland
(Alter 53 Jahre)
Mutter Schmidt, Anna Maria, geb. um 1737, Reinheim, Kreis Darmstadt-Dieburg, Hessen, Deutschland gest. nach 1798, Müller, Gebiet Saratov, Region Wolga, Rußland
(Alter 62 Jahre)
Eheschließung geschätzt 1767 [1] Familien-Kennung F29935 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Notizen - Debharrvey:
Data from Igor Pleve of Saratov University, given to me in 1993 in Saratov, shows Johannes, born 1776, the 6th child of Johann Georg Buxmann (born 1743 or 1744) who was the first Buxmann to enter Russia from Germany after the invitation of the Czaress, Catharina the Great.. According to data from Professor Pleve in 1993 the Johannes born in 1774 married Anna Barbara Keil, who was born in 1771. This younger Johannes, born in 1776, is not shown as married in Pleve's initial report.
- Debharrvey:
Quellen - [S141] Debharrvey, (gw4.geneanet.org).
- [S141] Debharrvey, (gw4.geneanet.org).