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Rauscher, Raymond Roland

männlich 1926 - 2000  (73 Jahre)

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  • Name Rauscher, Raymond Roland 
    Geburt 12 Feb 1926  New Leipzig, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
    Geschlecht männlich 
    Tod 12 Jan 2000  Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
    Beerdigung 15 Jan 2000  Zion Cemetery, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
    Personen-Kennung I94657  Zimbelmann
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 31 Aug 2014 

    Vater Rauscher, Wilhelm Carl,   geb. 17 Aug 1887, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 20 Jan 1970, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 82 Jahre) 
    Mutter Hertz, Ottilie Louise Adelheid,   geb. 23 Mrz 1890, Menno, Hutchinson County, South Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 3 Aug 1970, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 80 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 1 Jan 1910  Scotland, Bon Homme County, South Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Familien-Kennung F29331  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie 1 Sprecher, Elaine Verene,   geb. 6 Jun 1929, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 4 Apr 1976, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 46 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 27 Nov 1947  Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
     1. Lebend
     2. Lebend
     3. Lebend
     4. Lebend
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 31 Aug 2014 
    Familien-Kennung F29340  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie 2 Mertz, Irene,   geb. geschätzt 1931   gest. Datum unbekannt 
    Eheschließung 12 Aug 1977  Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [2
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 31 Aug 2014 
    Familien-Kennung F42593  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

  • Ereignis-Karte
    Link zu Google MapsGeburt - 12 Feb 1926 - New Leipzig, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 27 Nov 1947 - Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 12 Aug 1977 - Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsTod - 12 Jan 2000 - Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsBeerdigung - 15 Jan 2000 - Zion Cemetery, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
     = Link zu Google Earth 
    Pin-Bedeutungen  : Adresse       : Ortsteil       : Ort       : Region       : (Bundes-)Staat/-Land       : Land       : Nicht festgelegt

  • Grabsteine
    Rauscher, Raymond Roland
    Rauscher, Raymond Roland
    Zion Cemetery, Elgin, Grant County, North Dakota, USA

  • Notizen 
    • www.findagrave.com:
      January 12, 2000 12:00 am • The Bismarck Tribune
      ELGIN -- Raymond Rauscher, 73, Elgin, died Jan. 12, 2000 in a Bismarck hospital. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. MST today, at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elgin, with the Rev. Tom Hallowell officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, with full mlitary rites provided by George W. Snook American Legion Post No. 246, Elgin.
      Visitation will be for one hour prior to the service at the church today. Special music will be provided by Mary Sanderson. Serving as casketbearers will be Kirby Schatz, Wesley Schock, Delwin Petrick, Scott White, Duane Rauscher, Rod Skretteberg. All friends are considered honorary bearers. A memorial has been established.
      Raymond Roland Rauscher was born Feb. 12, 1926 at New Leipzig, to William and Ottilie (Hertz) Rauscher. He attended a country school north of New Leipzig. Raymond was inducted into the U.S. Army on Dec. 12, 1944. He was discharged on Nov. 23, 1946 and then returned to the family farm. Raymond attended a trade school in Wahpeton. He was united in marriage to Elaine Sprecher on Nov. 27, 1947 at Elgin. They farmed north of Elgin. Elaine died on April 4, 1976. Raymond was united in marriage to Irene (Mertz) Decker on Aug. 12, 1977 at Bismarck. They continued farming north of Elgin until retiring in 1989 and moving into Elgin. He continued to work part-time in farming.
      Raymond was a member of the Elgin Lions Club for 22 years, and was a member of the George W. Snook American Legion Post for over 50 years. He served on several boards, including the Farmers Union Board for 35 years, the Credit Union Board, and on the church council. One of his favorite pastimes was playing cards.
      Grateful for having shared his life are his wife, Irene Rauscher, Elgin; one son and daughter-in-law, Darryl and Brenda Rauscher, Springfield, Ill.; three daughters and sons-in-law, Donnell and Jim Brychel, Lenexa, Kan., Debbie Belka, Minneapolis, and Brenda and Scott Eslinger, Elgin; 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two brothers and three sisters-in-law, Elmer and Leona Rauscher, Elgin, Henry Rauscher, Mobridge, and Lorraine Rauscher, Castle Rock, Colo.; five sisters and brothers-in-law, Elsie and Richard Zimmerman, Missoula, Mont.k, Hilda and Wilbert Hofst, Grandview, Wash., Leola and Lester Dietz, Linton, Mildred and Al Knodel, Escondido, Calif., and Alta and Kenneth Hamilton, Livermore, Calif.
      Raymond was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Elaine; one sister, Lillie Rauscher; and three brothers, Gerhardt, Ruben and Ernest Rauscher. (Evanson-Jensen Funeral Home, Elgin)

      Helen Patil:
      UID: 4805B161F6544949AA4E2CBD1F021D389214
      1 Ehe - 4 Kinder
      2 Ehe -
      Event: Corporal WWII Military
      Event: private US Army Military 11 Dec 1944 Fort Snelling, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA
      Event: Military Discharge 23 Nov 1946
      Event: Bismarck Tribune Obituary 15 Jan 2000
      Burial: Zion Lutheran Cemetery
      1930 Township 135, Grant, North Dakota, USA
      1970-2000 Elgin, Grant, North Dakota, USA
      1. Title: ND, Burleigh, Bismarck. The Bismarck Tribune - Page: "Raymond Rauscher," 15 Jan 2000; .www.genealogybank.com : ).
      2. Title: 1930 USA Census - Page: Roll 1736 Page 2A Enumeration District 43 Image 734.0
      3. Title: Social Security Death Index
      4. Title: North Dakota Deaths
      5. Title: Obit - Page: www.obitcentral.com
      6. Title: ND, Burleigh, Bismarck. The Bismarck Tribune - Page: "Elmer A. Rauscher," 16 Nov 2004; ., \i Ancestry.com\i0 (www.ancestry.com : accessed 13 Sep 2007), Obituary Collection.
      7. Title: US Veterans Gravesites 1775-2006
      8. Title: US WWII Army Enlistment Records 1938-1946
      9. Title: ND, Burleigh, Bismarck. The Bismarck Tribune - Page: "William Rauscher, Farmer at Elgin," 23 Jan 1970

  • Quellen 
    1. [S140] Helen Patil, (www.wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com).

    2. [S170] Findagrave.com, (findagrave.com).