Griess, Ruben William

Name Griess, Ruben William Geburt 23 Jul 1914 Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1, 2]
Geschlecht männlich Tod 18 Jan 2006 Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1, 2]
Beerdigung 21 Jan 2006 Sutton Cemetery, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA [1, 2]
Personen-Kennung I94629 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10 Sep 2015
Vater Griess, Alfred Wilhelm, geb. 18 Mai 1887, , York County, Nebraska, USA gest. 2 Jun 1972, Henderson, York County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Mutter Engelhardt, Frieda Katharina, geb. 29 Mrz 1889, Eldorado, Clay County, Nebraska, USA gest. 26 Mrz 1975, Henderson, York County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Eheschließung 25 Sep 1911 , Clay County, Nebraska, USA [2, 3, 4]
Familien-Kennung F31642 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Rauscher, Viola Margaret, geb. 30 Mai 1915, Stockham, Hamilton County, Nebraska, USA gest. 13 Nov 2010, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 95 Jahre)
Eheschließung geschätzt 1940 Kinder + 1. Griess, Lola Jeanette, geb. 23 Nov 1941, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA gest. 3 Mrz 2012, Syracuse, Otoe County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 70 Jahre)
+ 2. Lebend 3. Griess, Rolland Keith, geb. 2 Jan 1956, Henderson, York County, Nebraska, USA gest. 3 Sep 2012, Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 56 Jahre)
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30 Aug 2014 Familien-Kennung F29329 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Ereignis-Karte Geburt - 23 Jul 1914 - Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA Tod - 18 Jan 2006 - Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA Beerdigung - 21 Jan 2006 - Sutton Cemetery, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
: Ortsteil
: Ort
: Region
: (Bundes-)Staat/-Land
: Land
: Nicht festgelegt
Fotos Ruben William Griess - 1953
Ruben William Griess - 1953
Grabsteine Griess, Ruben William
Sutton Cemetery, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA
Grab-Standort: 02S-56-02-07
Notizen -
Ruben and Viola made their home on a farm north of Sutton, Nebraska where Ruben farmed for 33 years. He also did mechanical work on cars and other farm equipment, electrical work and he worked for the Sutton Freight Company.
In March of 1972, they moved to Sutton, where Ruben worked for a short time at Smith Brothers Implement Dealership and then worked for Bender & Sons Implement Dealership as a mechanic.
Ruben was a member of Emmanuel Reformed Church and served on the consistory and Co-op board.
Helen Patil:
3 Kinder
Event: Lincoln Journal Star Obituary 21 Jan 2006
Burial: Sutton City Cemetery
1990-2006 Sutton, Clay, Nebraska, USA
1. Title: Social Security Death Index
2. Title: NE, Lancaster County, Lincoln. The Lincoln Journal Star - Page: "Ruben W. Griess," 21 Jan 2006; : ).
3. Title: AHSGR Obits - Page: Clay County News 21 Jun 1990
4. Title: NE, Clay County. The Clay County News - Page: "Rauscher, Gustav," 4 Dec 1952