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Weisenburger, John

männlich 1914 - 1991  (76 Jahre)

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  • Name Weisenburger, John 
    Geburt 20 Apr 1914  Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Geschlecht männlich 
    Tod 16 Apr 1991  Jackson, Amador County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Personen-Kennung I89062  Zimbelmann
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 7 Jan 2012 

    Vater Weißenburger, Philipp,   geb. 10 Jan 1881, Wilhelmstal, Gebiet Nikolajew, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 12 Jul 1940, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 59 Jahre) 
    Mutter Schweigert, Friederika,   geb. 20 Okt 1883, Neu-Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 8 Dez 1968, Seattle, King County, Washington, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 85 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 26 Feb 1907  Eureka, McPherson County, South Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Scheidung Datum unbekannt 
    • Karen Abel:
      Married: Pastor: Aug. Heringer
      Divorce Btwn Jan 1944/Feb 1945
    Familien-Kennung F27676  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie Bradford, Carol,   geb. geschätzt 1917, ,,, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. Datum unbekannt 
    Eheschließung 3 Aug 1941  San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
     1. Lebend
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20 Mrz 2025 
    Familien-Kennung F27680  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

  • Ereignis-Karte
    Link zu Google MapsGeburt - 20 Apr 1914 - Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 3 Aug 1941 - San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, USA Link zu Google Earth
     = Link zu Google Earth 
    Pin-Bedeutungen  : Adresse       : Ortsteil       : Ort       : Region       : (Bundes-)Staat/-Land       : Land       : Nicht festgelegt

  • Notizen 
    • Karen Abel:
      UID: A0EE3BCA028C4F05ACB25B5F1B543C8FC777
      John had scarlet fever as a boy.
      10 Nov 1933, p. 4, "Alumni" column: "And have you heard about the big merchandise man, Johnny Weisenburger? You haven't? Why, did not you know that handsome Johnny has been working at the J. C. Penney store in Mott, North Dakota, for the last two months? Think what you've missed."
      19 Jan 1934, p. 4, "Alumni" column: "John Weisenburger has returned from Mott, where he has been working for about six months. He will be in town about a month."
      John can be found in the San Jose City Directories as follows:
      1940 salesman for Gallen Kamps Shoe Stores, living at 232 S. 3rd
      1942 salesman for JC Penney Co., living at 460 N. 1st
      1943 moved to 1023 Leona Ct.
      1946 salesman for Herolds Shoe Co., living at 1251 Malone Road
      1952 buyer for Herolds Shoe Co.
      1959 began working at The Wardrobe
      John left Bismarck in 1938 to move to Lodi, CA. While there he picked grapes and then worked in a men's clothing store. He then moved to San Jose and worked first for Ernie Gregory (who remained a lifelong friend) in a shoe store in Palo Alto. John moved to Palo Alto for a time and then returned to San Jose. While working at Gallenkamps in San Jose, he met Carol.
      John was drafted into the Army on 2 February 1943. He was in Field Artillery--he didn't do the firing but computed in his head the direction the guns should be fired. He and Carol lived in Winona, MS, until he was transferred to Atlanta, GA, in the fall of 1944. Their oldest son, Gary, was born there. While there he worked in the Finance Office figuring payrolls. He received his Honorable Discharge on 14 February 1946 at the rank of Technical Sergeant. His mustering out pay was $200 and he received travel pay of $135.55.
      John, Carol and Gary returned to San Jose. They lived with Carol's parents for one year while their house at 1251 Malone Road was being built. They wore out a set of wheels on Gary's stroller in walking back and forth to watch as the house was built.
      After the war, John worked for J.C. Penney Co., managing the men's furnishing department. He then worked for Herold's Shoe Store as a salesman and buyer of shoes for women and children. Then he moved on to manage and buy shoes for The Wardrobe men's store at 2nd & Santa Clara streets in San Jose. In the early 1970's he began working for San Jose Leather Goods as a salesman. He traveled from Antioch to Monterey. He retired in 1976 and he and Carol moved to Pioneer, CA, where they had a home built. For a while he sold advertising for the Amador Dispatch.
      Following is John's obituary from the San Jose Mercury News of 19 Apr 1991:
      "A memorial service was held Thursday in Sutter Creek for John Weisenburger, a worker in shoe and leather goods sales in San Jose for 30 years, who died Tuesday at a hospital in Jackson, in Amador County, of complications from Parkinson's disease. He was 76.
      Mr. Weisenburger was born in Bismarck, N.D., and attended schools there before serving as an Army finance officer in Mississippi during World War II. He moved to San Jose in 1946 and lived here until 1976, when he retired and moved to Pioneer.
      Mr. Weisenburger loved fishing and 'wet his line in just about every trout stream and lake from Northern California to Montana,' said his son, Gary Weisenburger of Connecticut. Mr. Weisenburger moved to Pioneer in order to be near Silver Lake, one of his favorite fishing spots, his son said.
      Mr. Weisenburger was a shoe buyer for Herold's Shoe Store for 10 years, manager of the shoe department for 12 years at the Wardrobe, formerly at Second and Santa Clara streets, and a salesman at San Jose Leather Goods for eight years.
      'If you bought a pair of shoes in San Jose during the 1950s and 1960s, you might very well have bought them from my father, who often remembered not only people's names but their shoe size and the style they liked,' said Mr. Weisenburger's daughter, Karen Abel of San Jose.
      Mr. Weisenburger was a former commander of American Legion Post No. 318 in the Willow Glen district and was a member of San Jose Golden Rule Masonic Lodge.
      His is survived by his wife of 50 years, Carol Weisenburger of Pioneer; his son and daughter and another son, Steven Weisenburger of Lexington, Ky.; and four grandchildren.
      Disposition of Mr. Weisenburger's cremated remains was private."
      1. Title: Weisenburger Family Bible

  • Quellen 
    1. [S67] Karen Abel , (wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com).