Klein, Bertha F.

Name Klein, Bertha F. Spitzname Bertie Geburt 7 Jul 1912 LaMoure, LaMoure County, North Dakota, USA [1, 2, 3]
Geschlecht weiblich Tod 11 Jul 1999 Oakes, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA [2, 3]
Beerdigung Maple View Cemetery, Fullerton, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA [2]
Personen-Kennung I8711 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1 Feb 2020
Vater Klein, Mathias, geb. 1859 gest. 1938, ,, North Dakota, USA (Alter 79 Jahre)
Mutter Merkel, Elisabeth, geb. 27 Aug 1875, Marienberg, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 5 Jun 1948, , LaMoure County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 72 Jahre)
Eheschließung 1895 , McPherson County, South Dakota, USA [2]
Familien-Kennung F67076 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Zimbelman, Aaron Alvin, geb. 6 Jul 1908, Guelph, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA gest. 2 Apr 1994, Oakes, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Eheschließung 27 Sep 1933 LaMoure, LaMoure County, North Dakota, USA [1, 3]
Kinder + 1. Zimbelman, Donald Glenn, geb. 26 Apr 1935, LaMoure, LaMoure County, North Dakota, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 2. Zimbelman, James Orville, geb. 4 Jul 1937, Fullerton, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 3. Lebend Zuletzt bearbeitet am 2 Jan 2019 Familien-Kennung F3074 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Ereignis-Karte = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
: Ortsteil
: Ort
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: (Bundes-)Staat/-Land
: Land
: Nicht festgelegt
Grabsteine Klein, Bertha F.
Maple View Cemetery, Fullerton, Dickey County, North Dakota, USA
Notizen - Lisa Montoya:
Fargo Final Edition, 7-14-1999
Bertha F. Zimbleman, 87, Fullerton, N.D., died Sunday, July 11, 1999, in Oakes (N.D.) Good Samaritan Center.
Bertha Klein was born July 7, 1912, in LaMoure, N.D., where she graduated from high school. She attended college in Ellendale, N.D., then taught school near Gackle, N.D.
On Sept. 27, 1933, she married Aaron A. Zimbleman. They farmed near Fullerton. He died on April 2, 1994 and she entered the nursing home.
- Lisa Montoya: