Wöhl, Rosina

Name Wöhl, Rosina Geburt 9 Mrz 1863 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2]
Geschlecht weiblich Tod 28 Jan 1914 Hamburg, Wells County, North Dakota, USA [1]
Personen-Kennung I80183 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4 Mrz 2014
Vater Wöhl, Peter, geb. 15 Sep 1823, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 5 Dez 1895, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 72 Jahre)
Mutter Hofmann, Catharina Margaretha, geb. 5 Mrz 1825, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 22 Feb 1893, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 67 Jahre)
Eheschließung 30 Nov 1843 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 3]
Familien-Kennung F24775 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Meth, Heinrich, geb. 17 Dez 1861, Neu-Danzig, Gebiet Nikolajew, Region Nikolajew, Rußland gest. 4 Apr 1947, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Eheschließung 13 Feb 1884 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1]
Kinder + 1. Meth, Christina, geb. 1 Nov 1884, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 30 Sep 1967, Harvey, Wells County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 82 Jahre)
+ 2. Meth, Katharina, geb. 16 Jan 1886, Neu-Danzig, Gebiet Nikolajew, Region Nikolajew, Rußland gest. 17 Dez 1967, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 81 Jahre)
+ 3. Meth, Paulina, geb. 16 Mai 1887, Neu-Danzig, Gebiet Nikolajew, Region Nikolajew, Rußland gest. 4 Jul 1969, ,, Minnesota, USA
(Alter 82 Jahre)
+ 4. Meth, Johann, geb. 26 Dez 1889, ,,, Rußland gest. 21 Aug 1978, , Foster County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 88 Jahre)
5. Meth, Heinrich, geb. 21 Dez 1891, ,,, Rußland gest. 3 Nov 1918, Harvey, Wells County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 26 Jahre)
6. Meth, Rosina, geb. 29 Dez 1894, , Mclntosh County, North Dakota, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 7. Meth, Gustav, geb. 14 Sep 1896, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA gest. 29 Sep 1989, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 93 Jahre)
+ 8. Meth, Atilda, geb. 24 Nov 1898, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA gest. 24 Feb 1978, , Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 79 Jahre)
9. Meth, Walter, geb. 4 Mrz 1900, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA gest. 16 Jun 1900, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 0 Jahre)
10. Meth, Walter, geb. 12 Mai 1902, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA gest. 13 Sep 1989, Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota, USA
(Alter 87 Jahre)
+ 11. Meth, Albert, geb. 31 Mrz 1904, , Wells County, North Dakota, USA gest. 23 Dez 1989, , Foster County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Familien-Kennung F24875 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Ereignis-Karte Geburt - 9 Mrz 1863 - Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland Eheschließung - 13 Feb 1884 - Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
: Ortsteil
: Ort
: Region
: (Bundes-)Staat/-Land
: Land
: Nicht festgelegt
Notizen - Karen Abel:
_UID: 0303AD8EE43E45A9B1A7A1420A3819553C86
Death: 27-28 Jan 1914 in Hamburg, Wells, ND
Mrs. Henry Meth's Death
Prominent Hamburg Woman Laid
to Rest Friday, Jan. 30
Mrs. Henry Meth died Tuesday morning at 1:30, January 27, at her home near Hamburg, of cancer of the stomach, from which she had been suffering for the past two years.
Deceased was fifty-two years old; was born in Rohrbach, Russia, March 9, 1863, her parents' name being Wehl. She was married in the old country, and came to America 21 years ago, and lived in McIntosh county, North Dakota, three years before coming to Wells county ND in 1895, where her husband took a homestead on section 12 in Hamburg township, where the family still lives. Ten children, five boys and five girls, all still at home with exception of one daughter, Mrs. August Seidel, Jr, who lives near survive her. The oldest child is thirty and the youngest nine years.
The funeral was held Friday, January 30, service being conducted at the home and in the German Baptist church of Germantown, the remains being laid to rest in the Germantown Baptist cemetery. The many friends of the mourners extend sincere sympathy.
Additional details received later are that Rosina Wehl was married in 1884, coming to this country in 1893. The Rev. O. W. Brenner preached the funeral service, choosing for his text Psalms 116, verse 15: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." The pallbearers were Joe Edinger, Fred Seibold, August Seidel, Sr. and George Buechler, Sr. Deceased had been an ardent worker in the German Baptist church from the time of her arrival in this country, and had set a bright example for all who were privileged to know her and her courage during the two years of her illness was remarkable.
Wells County Free Press issue February 6, 1914 (Fessenden, ND).
1. Title: Woehl/Wohl data as prepared by Ken Aisenbrey, received from Ron Vossler and Arlene Woehl
2. Title: Obituary
3. Title: Alt and Neu Danzig Families - Author: compiled by Curt Renz - Publication: www.odessa3.org
- Karen Abel: