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Goehring, Phillip J.

männlich 1892 - 1990  (98 Jahre)

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  • Name Goehring, Phillip J. 
    Geburt 9 Jul 1892  Ashley, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
    Geschlecht männlich 
    Tod 23 Dez 1990  Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
    Beerdigung Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [2
    Personen-Kennung I65269  Zimbelmann
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28 Dez 2013 

    Vater Göhring, Johann Sr.,   geb. 5 Okt 1851, Bergdorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 28 Mrz 1902, Ashley, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 50 Jahre) 
    Mutter Bertsch, Elisabetha,   geb. 30 Nov 1860, Bergdorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 30 Aug 1939, Ashley, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 78 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 8 Feb 1878  Bergdorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2, 3, 4
    • www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
      Married: 1895624/1 670 2

      Ruth Davidson:
      Married: 1895624/1 670 2
    Familien-Kennung F19628  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie 1 Bertsch, Martha,   geb. geschätzt 1895, ,,, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 1916, ,, Idaho, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 21 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 4 Feb 1915  ,, Idaho, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Familien-Kennung F20795  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie 2 Knoll, Christina,   geb. 10 Apr 1893, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 16 Dez 1975, Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 82 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 4 Feb 1917  Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1, 2
     1. Goehring, Emma,   geb. 7 Nov 1918, Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 3 Feb 1936, Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 17 Jahre)
    Familien-Kennung F20796  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

  • Ereignis-Karte
    Link zu Google MapsGeburt - 9 Jul 1892 - Ashley, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 4 Feb 1915 - ,, Idaho, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 4 Feb 1917 - Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsTod - 23 Dez 1990 - Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsBeerdigung - - Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA Link zu Google Earth
     = Link zu Google Earth 
    Pin-Bedeutungen  : Adresse       : Ortsteil       : Ort       : Region       : (Bundes-)Staat/-Land       : Land       : Nicht festgelegt

  • Notizen 
    • Walter Guthmiller:
      UID: 886A100558511942B262CD89871DFCFE13E0

      Ruth Davidson:
      Born: Jewell District, Ashley area, McIntosh County, ND
      From the History of San Joaquin County, Los Angeles, CA 1923

      A successful vineyardist who is residing on his fifty-acre vineyard home, loated a mile and a half southeast of Victor, is Phillip J. Goehring, a self-made man, whose success has come to him entirely through his own labor and carefully directed efforts. He was born in McIntosh County, N.D., on July 9, 1892, a son of John and Elizabeth (Bertsch) Goehring, the former coming to America from Neudorf, South Russia, his birthplace, and the latter a native of Bergdorf, South Russia. His father passed away in North Dakota about twenty years ago, while the mother still resides there. They were the parents of eight children: John, Jacob, Christian and Fred, Gottlieb, Phillip J., our subject, Maggie and Martin.

      The education of Phillip J. Goehring was limited to about five months, and he was obligated to assume his share of the farm work. Shortly after becoming of age, he began to earn his own way, and went to Idaho, where he homesteaded 320 acres of land, on which he raised grain and stock, for four years.

      Mr. Goehring's first marriage occured while living in Idaho on February 4, 1914, and united him with Miss Martha Bertsch, a native of South Russia, a daughter of Henry Bertsch. She passed away in 1906 in Idaho. In January, 1917, Mr. Goehring made a trip to Lodi, Cal. where he was married to Miss Christine Knoll, born in Russia, a daughter of Jacob Knoll. Her father came to California about fifteen years ago from South Dakota and settled at Victor, where he purchased a vineyard and had added to it from time to time until he is now one of the wealthiest citizens of San Joaquin County. After their marriage the young couple returned to Mr. Knoll's ranch in Idaho and continued farming until the early fall of 1917, when they returned to Lodi to locate. He traded his ranch for ten acres, his present vineyard home, and since then he has added by purchase 30 acres more, and Mrs. Goehring received a gift of ten acres from her father, all devoted to vineyard and alfalfa. In April, of 1921, Mr. Goehring purchased forty-nine acres at the intersection of the Cherokee and Lockeford roads, which was an old almond orchard, with the exception of ten acres in prunes. Mr. Goehring decided to take out all the almond trees and planted vines, but he left the prune orchard. Soon after buying this tract, he sold five acres for $2,000 per acre, which left forty-nine acres, thirty of which are planted to Tokay grapes. So now he ownes and operates ninety-four acres. Mr. and Mrs. Goehring are the parents of five children: Emma, Reuben, Levi; Elsie and Elmer are twins. He is a Republican in Politics; he and his family are members of the First German Baptist Church in Lodi.

  • Quellen 
    1. [S95] Ruth Davidson, (freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~davison/).

    2. [S44] Walter Guthmiller, (worldconnect.rootsweb.com (übernommen Ancestry)).

    3. [S1] Pixel (Auszug KB), (grhs.org).

    4. [S40] + Harold M. Ehrman, (Ehrman.net).