Hof, Ludwig

Name Hof, Ludwig Geburt 4 Apr 1847 Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Geschlecht männlich Tod Feb 1898 , McPherson County, South Dakota, USA [3, 5]
Personen-Kennung I63194 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28 Okt 2017
Vater Hof, Georg Heinrich, geb. um 1814, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
Mutter Kapp, Anna Maria, geb. geschätzt 1814, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
Eheschließung 27 Nov 1834 Glückstal, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2, 3]
Notizen - www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Married: 1883193/2 293 019
Familien-Kennung F29097 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie 1 Hieb, Katharina, geb. 25 Okt 1845, Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Sep 1888, , McPherson County, South Dakota, USA
(Alter 42 Jahre)
Eheschließung 20 Feb 1866 Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Notizen - Karen Abel:
Married: 5 Feb 1866
Married: 1884082/2 67 30 - Reformed
Kinder + 1. Hof, Ludwig, geb. 8 Dez 1866, Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 1 Sep 1936, Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USA
(Alter 69 Jahre)
+ 2. Hof, Katharina, geb. 21 Sep 1868, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 16 Jun 1936, Lehr, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 67 Jahre)
3. Hof, Valentin, geb. um 1871, ,,, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 4. Hof, Margarete, geb. 20 Dez 1872, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 1947 (Alter 74 Jahre)
5. Hof, Friedrich, geb. 18 Jan 1875, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 28 Feb 1953 (Alter 78 Jahre)
6. Hof, Andreas, geb. 23 Mrz 1877, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 21 Aug 1877, Kassel, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 0 Jahre)
+ 7. Hof, Magdalena, geb. 28 Jul 1878, Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 28 Feb 1943, Twin Falls, Twin Falls County, Idaho, USA
(Alter 64 Jahre)
+ 8. Hoff, Carolina, geb. 28 Jan 1883, Lehr, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA gest. 22 Feb 1967, , Mclntosh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 84 Jahre)
9. Hoff, Daniel, geb. Okt 1884, ,, South Dakota, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
10. Hoff, Lydia, geb. um 1886, Lehr, McIntosh County, North Dakota, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
Familien-Kennung F20038 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie 2 Weiss, Elisabeth, geb. 18 Jul 1863, Bergdorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
Kinder 1. Hoff, John, geb. 17 Jul 1888, ,,, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 2. Hoff, Christina, geb. 22 Nov 1890, ,,, USA gest. nach 1986 (Alter > 97 Jahre)
3. Hoff, Peter, geb. 22 Dez 1890, ,,, USA gest. vor 1906 (Alter < 15 Jahre)
4. Hoff, Eva, geb. 6 Jul 1894, ,,, USA gest. Datum unbekannt
5. Hoff, Edward, geb. 5 Dez 1895, ,,, USA gest. vor 1906 (Alter < 10 Jahre)
Familien-Kennung F27872 Familienblatt | Familientafel
- www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Ereignis-Karte = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
: Ortsteil
: Ort
: Region
: (Bundes-)Staat/-Land
: Land
: Nicht festgelegt
Notizen - Karl Stumpp:
Karl Stumpp: S.691#139
Born: 1882639/ 1 268 74
Ruth Davidson:
Born: Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland
Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 58872D5D377DD84BAB54010625EFC36A87B7
Born: Kassel
1880 Township 95, Bon Homme, Dakota Territory
1. Title: Hieb GEDCOM - Author: Ruth Davison
2. Title: Family Search Web Site - Title: 1880 United States Federal Census - Page: T9-0111/77C
3. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Author: Karl Stumpp - Page: p 691 # 139 Kas
4. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Compiled and Edited by Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 123
Karen Abel:
UID: FAE7511339BB447F9B10357E91767622F912
Death: 1896
From«i» Irvine, Alberta - A New Beginning, 1989.
«/i»Ludwig Hoff was born in South Dakota. He married the former Elizabeth Weiss, who was born July 18, 1863 in Bagdorf, South Russia. They had a family of three sons, John, Peter, and Edward, and one daughter, Christina. In 1894, they moved to North Dakota where they farmed. Ludwig Hoff passed away in 1896. In 1899, Elizabeth married Gottlieb Patzer. Peter and Edward Hoff passed away before 1906 when the Patzers immigrated to Canada with Christina and John Hoff, Elizabeth and Gottlieb's four small children, and Gottlieb's grown sons from a previous marriage. They homesteaded on a farm four miles south of Irvine. In the winter months they drilled wells and made dugouts. John married Barbara Weishaar. They lived south of Irvine for sometime then moved to the Many Island district. John was a horse and cattle buyer while farming and after he retired to Medicine Hat. The home farm quarter was in the family for 50 years. Barbara was born January 1, 1885 and passed away September 5, 1961. John was born July 17, 1888 and passed away on May 10, 1964. Their children included Dan, born March 11, 1911; John, August 9, 1912; Emil, January 30, 1914; Agnes, November 13, 1915; Linda, April 23, 1917; Martha, November 13, 1918; Irvina, February 19, 1920; Albert, February 16, 1924; Frieda, January 2, 1927. Christina married Frederick Bollinger in 1910. Fred and Christina had six children, three sons and three daughters. (See Frederick Bollinger story.)
1. Title: Odessa Library - Publication: www.odessa3.org
2. Title: Irvine, Alberta--A New Beginning - Publication: 1989
3. Title: Obituary - Page: From obituary of Katharina (Hoff) Ziegenhagel.
- Karl Stumpp:
Quellen - [S1] Pixel (Auszug KB), (grhs.org).
- [S44] Walter Guthmiller, (worldconnect.rootsweb.com (übernommen Ancestry)).
- [S67] Karen Abel , (wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com).
- [S95] Ruth Davidson, (freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~davison/).
- [S110] Pam Walz, (pwalz.net/walzfamily/getperson.php).
- [S111] + Karl Stumpp 1896, (Buch "Auswanderung der Deutschen...").
- [S309] Teresa Gail Baldry, (Geneanet.org / MyHeritage.de).
- [S1] Pixel (Auszug KB), (grhs.org).