Jesz, Jacob

Name Jesz, Jacob Geburt 31 Aug 1891 Cagerlac,,, Rumänien [1, 2]
Geschlecht männlich Tod 14 Feb 1949 Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA [1, 2]
Beerdigung McClusky, Sheridan County, North Dakota, USA [1]
Personen-Kennung I62336 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28 Dez 2013
Vater Jesz, Martin, geb. geschätzt 1861 gest. Datum unbekannt Mutter Nitschke, Christine, geb. geschätzt 1864, ,,, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
Familien-Kennung F19663 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Schauer, Louise, geb. 21 Dez 1892, Neudorf, Gebiet Glückstal, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 19 Dez 1979, McClusky, Sheridan County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 86 Jahre)
Eheschließung 10 Mrz 1910 Fessenden, Wells County, North Dakota, USA [1, 2]
Notizen - Walter Guthmiller:
Married: 1909
Kinder 1. Jesz, Emmanuel, geb. 2 Mai 1910, , McClusky County, North Dakota, USA gest. 2 Dez 1985, Turtle Lake, McLean County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 75 Jahre)
Familien-Kennung F19662 Familienblatt | Familientafel
- Walter Guthmiller:
Ereignis-Karte Eheschließung - 10 Mrz 1910 - Fessenden, Wells County, North Dakota, USA Tod - 14 Feb 1949 - Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA Beerdigung - - McClusky, Sheridan County, North Dakota, USA = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
: Ortsteil
: Ort
: Region
: (Bundes-)Staat/-Land
: Land
: Nicht festgelegt
Notizen - Walter Guthmiller:
UID: C9677105F83862429501FBDD2BDA853CAE98
Ruth Davidson:
Burial: City Cemetery, McClusky, Sheridan County, North Dakota, USA
Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Friday from the Chapel of Berg's Funeral Home, McClusky, for Jacob Jesz, 58, who died at Bismarck hospital at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, after a week's illness.
The services were conducted by Rev. Irvin J. Lovseth, pastor of McClusky Americian Lutheran church. Special music was provided (unreadiable).
Mr. Jesz, who has been a resident of Sheridan county for more than 40 years, was a native of Roumania, where he was born Aug. 31, 1891. He came to the United States in 1906, and three years later (1909) was married to Louise Schauer at Fessenden.
The Jesz family moved to McClusky two years ago. He leaves, besides his wife, the following sons and daughters: Emanuel, McClusky; Gotthold, Jamestown; Alma, Mrs. Edwin Johnson, McClusky; Emily, Mrs. August Helm, Goodrich; Harry, Elmer and Violet, McClusky; one brother, Christ Jesz, Turtle Lake, and one sister, Ustina, Yakima, Wash.; 17 grand-children; 2 sons preceded the father in death.
Berg Funeral Home of McClusky was in charge of arrangements. Burial was made in the McClusky City cemetery.
Obit: THE FARGO FORUM, Fargo, ND Mrs. Louise Jesz
- Walter Guthmiller: