Tasker, Elizabeth
um 1684 - 1706 (22 Jahre)-
Name Tasker, Elizabeth Geburt um 1684 ,, Maryland, USA [1] Geschlecht weiblich Tod 10 Feb 1706 Saint John's Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA [1] Beerdigung Addison Fam Vault, Oxon Hill, Prince Georges County, Maryland, USA [1] Personen-Kennung I29302 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 29 Sep 2013
Vater Tasker, Thomas, geb. geschätzt 1641, ,, England, Großbritannien gest. Aug 1700, , Calvert County, Maryland, USA (Alter 59 Jahre) Mutter Isaac, Rebecca, geb. geschätzt 1650 gest. Datum unbekannt Eheschließung Okt 1678 ,, Maryland, USA [1] Notizen - G-Bachmann-wwwrootsweb.ancestry:
1. #18. 1 TYPE Web Site
1 URL http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=adgedge&id=I3616.
2. Robert William Barnes, #500, Genealogical Publishing Co. 2005. 1 TYPE Book
1 PERI Maryland Marriage Evidences, 1634-1718Â
1 EDTR http://books.google.com.
Familien-Kennung F9957 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Addison, Thomas, geb. 1679 gest. 1727 (Alter 48 Jahre) Eheschließung 21 Apr 1701 Saint John's Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA [1] Notizen - G-Bachmann-wwwrootsweb.ancestry:
1. #18. 1 TYPE Web Site
1 URL http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=adgedge&id=I3616.
2. Some Early Colonial Marylanders citing Register of St. John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George. 1 TYPE Periodical
1 PERI Maryland Historical Magazine
1 VOL 14.
Kinder + 1. Addison, Rebecca Tasker, geb. 3 Jan 1703, Saint John's Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA gest. Datum unbekannt 2. Addison, Eleanor, geb. 20 Mrz 1705, Saint John's Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA gest. Datum unbekannt Familien-Kennung F9943 Familienblatt | Familientafel
- G-Bachmann-wwwrootsweb.ancestry:
Ereignis-Karte = Link zu Google Earth Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse : Ortsteil : Ort : Region : (Bundes-)Staat/-Land : Land : Nicht festgelegt
Notizen - G-Bachmann-wwwrootsweb.ancestry:
1. Margaret K. Fresco, #15, Privately published 1982. 1 TYPE Book
1 PERI Marriages and deaths, St. Mary's County, Maryland, 1634-1900.
2. #18. 1 TYPE Web Site
1 URL http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=adgedge&id=I3616.
3. Some Early Colonial Marylanders citing Register of St. John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George. 1 TYPE Periodical
1 PERI Maryland Historical Magazine
1 VOL 14.
4. Some Early Colonial Marylanders citing Register of St. John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George. 1 TYPE Periodical
1 PERI Maryland Historical Magazine
1 VOL 14.
5. #18. 1 TYPE Web Site
1 URL http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=adgedge&id=I3616.
10 Feb 1706/1707 ?
6. Colonial Dames of America in the State of Maryland, #502, Grafton Press 1908. 1 TYPE Book
1 PERI Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia
1 EDTR Helen West Ridgel
1 VOL books.google.com.
Addison Fam Vault, Oxen Hill, DC ?
- G-Bachmann-wwwrootsweb.ancestry:
Quellen - [S75] Gwen Bachman, (www.rootsweb.ancestry).
- [S75] Gwen Bachman, (www.rootsweb.ancestry).