Sailer, Johann Gottlieb

Name Sailer, Johann Gottlieb Geburt 21 Feb 1846 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2, 3]
Taufe 24 Feb 1846 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [3]
Geschlecht männlich Tod 8 Mrz 1846 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [2, 3]
Personen-Kennung I216321 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30 Mrz 2020
Vater Sailer, Gottlieb Sr., geb. 20 Feb 1817, Dornstetten, Kreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland gest. 11 Feb 1907, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 89 Jahre)
Mutter Sauer, Margaretha, geb. 20 Jul 1822, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 1 Jan 1911, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 88 Jahre)
Eheschließung Okt 1841 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 3]
Notizen - Saint Petersburg Records: 1883192/2 203
Familien-Kennung F6759 Familienblatt | Familientafel
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Notizen -
Born: 1882638/1 74 8
The birth record for Gottlieb Sayler is found in the St. Petersburg, Russia records for Rohrbach Parish on LDS Microfilm # 1882638/1 pg 74, Reg 8. Godparents for Gottlieb were Jacob Fischer & wife Rosina and Friedrich Sailer.
Information from Ken Schatz on telephone conversation: Ken states that Gottlieb and Margaretha (Sauer) Sayler had a son named Gottlieb Sayler married to Elizabeth Schempp. He received his information from descendants of Gottlieb and Elizabeth. The St. Petersburg records for Johannestal shows only one son named Johann Gottlieb born to Gottlieb and Margaretha (Sauer) Sayler and this son died at the age of 15 dys.
The marriage record for Gottlieb and Elisabeth is found in the St. Petersburg records on LDS Microfilm # 1884126/1 pg 788, Reg 24.
Information from Carol (Perry) Fuchs of Evansville, Indiana The birth and death of Johann Gottlieb from St. Petersburg Films of Johannestal -- Birth Record Film # 1882638 Page 74, Reg 8 -- Death Record Film # 1882638 Page 84, Reg 8 15 days at time of death.