Adair, Nancy
1754 - 1835 (81 Jahre)-
Name Adair, Nancy Geburt 28 Jan 1754 , Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, USA [1] Geschlecht weiblich Tod 28 Jul 1835 Tyner Crossing, Fayette County, Indiana, USA [1] Beerdigung Lick Creek Cemetery, Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana, USA [1] Personen-Kennung I211108 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22 Jan 2020
Vater Adair, James Robert, geb. geschätzt 1724 gest. Datum unbekannt Mutter McBride, Ann Esther, geb. geschätzt 1727 gest. Datum unbekannt Eheschließung geschätzt 1770 Familien-Kennung F70899 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Tyner, Harrison, geb. 4 Aug 1740, ,, North Carolina, USA gest. Datum unbekannt, ,,, USA Eheschließung geschätzt 1770 Kinder + 1. Tyner, Elder William Jasper, geb. 9 Apr 1771, ,, South Carolina, USA gest. 18 Sep 1854, , Decatur County, Indiana, USA (Alter 83 Jahre) Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5 Jun 2023 Familien-Kennung F70898 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Notizen -
Nancy Adair first married Harris Tyner. They were the parents of William Tyner, the old Baptist Minister who built Little Cedar Baptist Church south of Brookville. After the death of her first husband, she married Burrell Stevens. She came to Indiana with her children, probably about 1810. She is buried between her twin sons, James and John.
From records of Mary Beth Hughes-Worley: Nancy Jane Adair was born to James Robert Adair(1709) and Ann Ester McBride(1710-1781). She married Harrison 'Harris' Tyner. Their children include: Elijah (1760-1841); Harris (1765-1887); Richard (1770-1836); William Jasper (1771-1854); Mehitabel (1774-1848); E James (1776-?); Margaret (1778-1845); Susanna A (1775-1813); John and James were twins, born 17 August 1776. John died in 1822 and James died in 1823. Another resource file has her married after the death of Harris Tyner to Burrel Stevens. Their known children are Shadrick, Betsy and Susan Stevens. This list may be incomplete. It derives from pedigree resource files. This paragraph came from a descendant of Nancy's daughter Mehitabel (Hettie) who married Richard Kolb. Mehitabel is also buried at Lick Creek.
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