Sailer, Rosina

Name Sailer, Rosina Geburt 8 Mai 1823 Dornstetten, Kreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland [1, 2, 3, 4]
Geschlecht weiblich Alias-Name Rosina Sayler Tod um 1885 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [4]
Beerdigung Friedhof Johannestal, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [4]
Personen-Kennung I20113 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 31 Jul 2019
Vater Sailer, Johannes II., geb. 23 Okt 1777, Dornstetten, Kreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland gest. 21 Nov 1855, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 78 Jahre)
Mutter Truck, Anna Barbara, geb. 15 Apr 1787, Dornstetten, Kreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland gest. 7 Jun 1874, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 87 Jahre)
Eheschließung 30 Okt 1804 Dornstetten, Kreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland [3, 5]
Familien-Kennung F6757 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Fischer, Johann Jakob, geb. 8 Sep 1821 gest. nach 1885, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland (Alter 64 Jahre)
Eheschließung 9 Dez 1841 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 3]
Notizen - Saint Petersburg Records: 1883192/2 203
Kinder + 1. Fischer, Magdalena Wilhelmine, geb. 20 Jul 1843, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 12 Feb 1871, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 27 Jahre)
+ 2. Fischer, Georg Christoph, geb. 1 Mai 1845, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 15 Mai 1897, Scotland, Bon Homme County, South Dakota, USA
(Alter 52 Jahre)
+ 3. Fischer, Gottlieb, geb. 1 Feb 1848, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 26 Mrz 1914, Fessenden, Wells County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 66 Jahre)
4. Fischer, Carl, geb. 29 Apr 1850, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 5 Jan 1867, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 16 Jahre)
5. Fischer, Rosina, geb. 21 Sep 1852, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 23 Jun 1861, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 8 Jahre)
6. Fischer, Adam, geb. 12 Feb 1855, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
7. Fischer, Jakob, geb. 9 Okt 1857, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
8. Fischer, Johann Jakob, geb. 27 Nov 1858, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
9. Fischer, Johannes, geb. 14 Feb 1862, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
+ 10. Fischer, Matthäus, geb. 24 Okt 1864, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 4 Nov 1912, Hebron, Morton County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 48 Jahre)
11. Fischer, David, geb. 16 Dez 1866, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 20 Dez 1866, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland
(Alter 0 Jahre)
12. Fischer, Karl, geb. 1867, ,,, Rußland gest. 1867 (Alter 0 Jahre)
+ 13. Fischer, Christian, geb. 17 Okt 1869, Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 17 Okt 1921, Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 52 Jahre)
Familien-Kennung F6761 Familienblatt | Familientafel
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Notizen -
Rosina SAYLER born 8 May 1823 in Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia was the daughter of Johannes SAYLER and Anna Barbara TRUCK.
Rosina married Johann Jacob FISCHER on the 9th of December 1841 in Rohrbach, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia. The couple was blessed with no less than 12 children; Magdalena Wilhelmina, Christoph Georg, Gottlieb, Karl, Rosina, Adam, Jacob, Johann Jacob, Johannes, Mathias, David and Christian.
Five of their children as adults are known to have immigrated to America.
Rosina FISCHER probably died sometime after 1885 in Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia.
Hans Leibbrandt:
The first incidence where Rosina is mentioned is the 1825 Revision list of the Village of Johannestal in Stump's book " The Emigration From Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862" pg 714. She is listed as a child Johannes Sayler and Frau Barbara age 2 years. Subtract 2 from 1825 and the birth year for Rosina would be 1823. The date of May 8th was given by Great-Grandson, Robert Fischer of Vancouver, WA from his Fischer Excerpts "The Fischer Family History" - Mathias & Christian. This date was taken from the Bible of the youngest Son of Jacob and Rosina ( Sayler) Fischer, Christian Fischer.
The next time Rosina is found is in the St. Petersburg records of the Rohrbach Parish, Village of Johannestal in the marriage records. Rosina is listed as being married to Johann Jacob Fischer in Dec 1841 - LDS Microfilm # 1883192/2 Page 203.
Throughout the 1830's and the 1840's records for St Petersburg there is only one Rosina Sailer found. There is no other
Female Sailer found in this span of 20 years. It is fairly safe to assume this is the same Rosina Sailer that is listed in Stump's book. The birth year of 1823 would be the approximate marriagable age of the wife of Johann Jacob Fischer.
Information from Robert Fischer "The Fischer Family History"-- Johann Jacob and Rosina (Sailer) Fischer's children immigrated to the US during the late 1800's and early 1900's.