Harr, Louise

Name Harr, Louise Geburt 16 Aug 1862 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Taufe 9 Sep 1862 Johannestal, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [2]
Geschlecht weiblich Tod 1 Jun 1944 Cleveland, Stutsman County, North Dakota, USA [3]
Personen-Kennung I18385 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22 Dez 2012
Vater Harr, Daniel, geb. 1831, ,,, Rußland gest. 1878 (Alter 47 Jahre)
Mutter Seiter, Aurora Friederika, geb. 5 Mrz 1837, Simferopol, Simferopol, Region Krim, Rußland gest. Datum unbekannt
Eheschließung 10 Okt 1854 Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [3]
Familien-Kennung F6297 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Wöhl, Peter, geb. 15 Apr 1864, Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland gest. 18 Sep 1951, Cleveland, Stutsman County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 87 Jahre)
Eheschließung 3 Mrz 1884 Neu-Rohrbach, Gebiet Beresan, Region Odessa, Rußland [3]
Kinder + 1. Wöhl, Peter, geb. 6 Apr 1884, ,,, Rußland gest. 8 Dez 1971, Jamestown, Stutsman County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 87 Jahre)
+ 2. Wöhl, Katharina, geb. 1 Mrz 1886, ,,, Rußland gest. 5 Aug 1965, Moonlake, Barnes County, North Dakota, USA
(Alter 79 Jahre)
Familien-Kennung F24889 Familienblatt | Familientafel
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Notizen - www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884095/3 534 46
Karen Abel:
UID: 67929951ED624156B2E3D3A264690A00AA1B
BIRTH: The Odessa3 index says that she was born 16 Aug 1862. The ND death index and her obituary say she was born 22 Aug 1862.
Jamestown Sun, Jamestown, ND.
Mrs. Peter Wohl, Sr., pioneer mother of Valley Springs TWP, Stutsman county died at her home in Cleveland, ND, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Wohl was born in South Russia, August 22, 1862 and was married there in 1884. Mr. & Mrs. Wohl came to McIntosh county where they resided for 10 years; and 44 years ago they came to Stutsman county and have lived here since. The couple observed their sixty-first [Note: should be 60th] wedding anniversary this spring. Survivors are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Jacob Haas; and a son, Peter Wohl, Jr., Cleveland. ..
1. Title: Odessa Library - www.odessa3.org - Information taken from indexes on this web site and not personally verified.
2. Title: Jan Olson
3. Title: Odessa Library - Publication: www.odessa3.org
Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 7E135BA95E004943AB8E9EC3490D0B940EDB
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