Griess, Dorothy

Name Griess, Dorothy Geburt 28 Feb 1929 ,, Nebraska, USA [1]
Geschlecht weiblich Tod 21 Apr 2015 Henderson, York County, Nebraska, USA [1]
Beerdigung Free German Reformed Cemetery, Bixby, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [1]
Personen-Kennung I149723 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 8 Mrz 2016
Vater Griess, John O., geb. 16 Jun 1905 gest. 19 Mai 1965, ,,, USA (Alter 59 Jahre)
Mutter Griess, Olinda, geb. 22 Mrz 1906 gest. 24 Okt 1991, ,,, USA (Alter 85 Jahre)
Eheschließung geschätzt 1928 Familien-Kennung F3632 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Hofmann, Harold, geb. 3 Mrz 1925, Sutton, Clay County, Nebraska, USA gest. 19 Jul 2007, Henderson, York County, Nebraska, USA
(Alter 82 Jahre)
Eheschließung 15 Sep 1948 Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska, USA [1]
Kinder 1. Lebend 2. Lebend 3. Lebend 4. Lebend 5. Lebend Zuletzt bearbeitet am 8 Mrz 2016 Familien-Kennung F49062 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Ereignis-Karte = Link zu Google Earth
Pin-Bedeutungen : Adresse
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: Nicht festgelegt
Fotos Dorothy Griess - 1988
Dorothy Griess - 1988
Grabsteine Griess, Dorothy
Free German Reformed Salem Church Cemetery, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA
Notizen -
Dorothy Hofmann was born February 28, 1929, to John O. Griess and Olinda (Griess) Griess. On September 15, 1948, she was united in marriage to Harold Hofmann in Aurora, NE. They made their home on a farm north of Sutton. They moved into the Sutton Community in 1990. After an accident they moved to the Rosewood Court in Henderson in November 2005.
She was a lifetime member of the Free German Reformed Salem Church.
She is survived by sons, Edmund and wife Holly of Aurora, NE; Thomas and wife Sandra of Havana, FL; and Leo and wife Barb of Polk City, FL; two daughters, Ramona and husband Kenneth Nuss of Sutton, NE; and Shirley and husband Rich Reichert of Sutton, NE; 7 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold; her parents; brother, Raymond Griess; grand-daughters, Angela and Rhonda Hofmann.
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