Ochsner, Edwin Hugo

Name Ochsner, Edwin Hugo Geburt 30 Aug 1920 Stockham, Hamilton County, Nebraska, USA [1, 2, 3, 4]
Geschlecht männlich Tod 21 Okt 1944 Leyte, Leyte, Metro Manila, Philippinen [1, 2, 3, 4]
Alter: 24 Ursache: WWII Beerdigung 06 Mai 1949 Goodland Cemetery, Goodland, Sherman County, Kansas, USA [2]
Personen-Kennung I13233 Zimbelmann Zuletzt bearbeitet am 25 Mai 2016
Vater Ochsner, Hugo Gilbert, geb. 12 Mrz 1888, Stockham, Hamilton County, Nebraska, USA gest. 30 Nov 1959, Goodland, Sherman County, Kansas, USA
(Alter 71 Jahre)
Mutter Peter, Johanna Magdalena, geb. 15 Sep 1889, Grafton, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA gest. 4 Mai 1975, Goodland, Sherman County, Kansas, USA
(Alter 85 Jahre)
Eheschließung 8 Jan 1910 Grafton, Fillmore County, Nebraska, USA [4, 5]
Notizen - Carol H.:
Married: 8 Jan 1911
Familien-Kennung F1808 Familienblatt | Familientafel
Familie Felzien, Lela Loraine, geb. geschätzt 1923 gest. Datum unbekannt Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24 Jun 2014 Familien-Kennung F42294 Familienblatt | Familientafel
- Carol H.:
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Grabsteine Ochsner, Edwin Hugo
Goodland Cemetery, Goodland, Sherman County, Kansas, USA
Grab-Standort: 9-1
Notizen - Carol H.:
Death: Leyte Island,South Pacific
From contributor Kathy:
Middle name Hugo
The body of Cpl. Edwin H. Ochsner arrived in Goodland, Kansas on May 6, from a distribution center in Fort Worth, Texas, and was met by an honor guard composed of the Goodland posts of the American Legion and VFW.
Edwin was killed in action in World War II during the first day of the invasion of Leyte Island in the South Pacific.
Edwin entered the armed forces November 2, 1941. He was a brave and courageous soldier, being awarded the Good Conduct medal, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. (Source: Obituary, The Sutton News, May 26, 1949)
- Carol H.: