Notizen |
- Julie Weiss:
Death: Burr, Otoe County, Nebraska, USA
Mrs. Jake Genzlinger of Burr died in Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln. Nebr., Thursday morning. February 4. 1965 at the age of 74 years. 6 months and 10. days. She had been ill the last five years. Viola A. Damme,daughter or Mr. and Mrs. George Damme, was born July 24. 1890 on a farm near Cook. Nebr. On Oct. 21. 1908 she was married to Jake Genzlinger of Burr. the ceremony being performed in Tecumseh. Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Genzlinger made their home on a farm just north of Burr for many years, then in 1941. they moved to Burr. She was always interested in community affairs. Mrs. Genzlinger was a member of Hope Lutheran church of Burr.
Surviving are her husband, Jake Genzlinger; one brother. Fred Damme of Burr, and one sister. Mrs. J. C. Young of Hastings. There are also many cousins. nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon. Febr. 8 at 2:00 o'clock in Hope Lutheran church. with the Rev. Richard Kling officiating. Pallbearers were Edwin Schreiner. Delmar Watermeier, William D. Pieper, Darrel Genzlinger, Clarence Rankin and Raymond Smith. Burial was in Hope Lutheran cemetery, with Tonsing & Son in charge.
Source: Johnson County Courier, 11 Feb 1965, Page 3, Column 6