Notizen |
- Ruth Davidson:
06 Jan printed date was 1905 but should have been 1906
On Tuesday, January 2nd, 1906, at 1 o'clock P.M. there were married at the Helm Lutheran Church, the Rev. G. Kirchdoerfer officiating. Jacob Helm, oldest son of Friedrich Helm, and Miss Catharina Jesser, oldest daughter of Friedrich Jesser. John Fiectler and Wm. Jesser acted as best men and Carolina Helm and Magdalena Wolf were bridesmaids. The function at the church was followed by a bountiful wedding feast at the home of the briide's parents, northwest of Java, in which the entire community participated. Mirth and merry making reigned supreme during the entire afternoon and evening and many a poor, forlorn husband for once got a good meal. The young couple is well and favorably known, the groom holding the post of assistant cashier in the First State Bank of Java, and the bride is a lady of taste and refinement. The Harold extends congratulations and wishes the young people success in business and happiness at home.
From the Java Herold read and compiled by Linda Johnson and published in the GCRA newsletter Volume 5 Number 2 1992.