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 #   Notizen   Verknüpft mit 
135701 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 407 88

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 5B91F00C4EAC824E8834658D53FA0C813A67
1. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 73
2. Title: Glueckstal, Odessa, 1858 Census - GRHS and AHSGR - Source Media Type: Book - Page: p 75
3. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Deaths 1833-1885 - Harold M. Ehrman - Source Media Type: Book. - Page: A-3 
Geist, Friedrich (I59330)
135702 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 410 7 
Doerrheim, Adam (I49476)
135703 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 411 16


Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 18C44FCB0FE29A48B3965219D3E013286BE8
1. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 83, 115
2. Title: Neudorf, Odessa 1858 Census - Author: GRHS & AHSGR - 1/29/2000 - Source Media Type: Book - Page: p 91 
Heyd, Magdalena (I48626)
135704 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 411 17
Death: 1882641/2 429 42 - 20d

Born: 17 Mär 1856

Ruth Davidson:
Born: 1884101/1 411 017 (Source: St Petersburg)

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 5B1C77B1F3BD474392B7FEC8BD60E5F5DFB7 
Göhring, Barbara (I64621)
135705 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 411 20 
Rohrbach, Johann (I85602)
135706 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 411 22 
Hertle, Christina (I53002)
135707 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 412 37

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 48D430E18F573E49A3337A2ACC55F5D1FB7C
1. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Author: Karl Stumpp - Page: p 709 # 184 Neu
2. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Compiled and Edited by Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 242
3. Title: Neudorf, Odessa 1858 Census - Author: GRHS & AHSGR - Publication: 1/29/2000 - Page: p 67 
Pleinis, Eva (I50053)
135708 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 412 38
Death: 1884103/2 703 25 - 8m 4d 
Morlock, Christian (I109205)
135709 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 413 40 
Wetzler, Melchior (I51797)
135710 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 413 43

Death: vor 1910

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: E09B814AF61C9A45BA38F25D218AD44B42FC

Burial: Bethany Cemetery Hosmer, Edmunds County, South Dakota, USA Plot: Lot 6
Adam, Friedrich (I63705)
135711 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 413 44 
Bohländer, Johann (I55272)
135712 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 413 48 
Werth, Martin (I44860)
135713 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 414 56 
Dockter, Johann K. (I49254)
135714 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 415 72 
Kirschenmann, Margaretha (I49861)
135715 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 415 76

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 0C746001921ED64B8445DA71C464DF7B48C3
1. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Compiled and Edited by Harold M. Ehrman - p 116, 170
2. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Author: Karl Stumpp - Page: p 711 # 206.2 Neu 
Heyd, Margaretha (I48641)
135716 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 418 12 
Fischer, Magdalena (I66389)
135717 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 418 14
Death: 1884103/2 708 91 - 1y 5m 14d 
Hettich, Christina (I66642)
135718 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 419 15 - stillborn son 
Braun, Unbekannt (I61843)
135719 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 419 28 
Bender, Christina (I64104)
135720 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 420 37
Death: 1882641/2 431 71 - 14d 
Ahl, Matthäus (I66336)
135721 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 420 41 
Leicht, Friedrich (I66152)
135722 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 421 47 
Fischer, Johann (I67664)
135723 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 421 52 
Spitzer, Gottlieb (I60212)
135724 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 421 53 
Aldinger, Johann (I68779)
135725 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 422 59
Death: 1882641/2 433 101 - 7d 
Ahl, Johannes (I59088)
135726 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 422 61 
Frank, Elisabetha (I66100)
135727 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 422 62 
Herrmann, Johannes (I63844)
135728 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 422 63 
Schmidt, Christian (I68912)
135729 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 422 65 
Schüler, Christina (I66297)
135730 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 447 20
Death: 1884103/2 684 10 - 1y 12d

Born: Kassel, Odessa, Ukrayina
Death: Kassel, Odessa, Ukrayina 
Göhring, Gottfried (I61094)
135731 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 448 26

Ruth Davidson:
Born: 1884101/1 448 26 (Source: St Petersburg) 
Becker, Christina (I65476)
135732 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 449 49

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: B9129F0871DC844FA42A058060CA2BDF195E
1. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Author: Karl Stumpp - Page: p 713 # 240 Neu
2. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Compiled and Edited by Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 245
3. Title: Neudorf, Odessa 1858 Census - Author: GRHS & AHSGR - Publication: 1/29/2000 - Page: p 129 
Raile, Christian (I59828)
135733 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 450 55 
Bender, Katharina (I64204)
135734 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 450 57

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 0AC6745AB9137C41A8FE98FCA3F86A43A9FB
1. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Karl Stumpp - Page: p 695 # 202 Kas
2. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Harold M. Ehrman - Page: p 78 
Göhring, Carolina (I61030)
135735 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 450 58
Death: 1884110/3 529 1 - 12y 6m 21d - child - Mother was Christina Wittmeyer; Cassel records

Born: 01 Jun 1856 
Göhring, Friedrich (I61083)
135736 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 450 59 - parents home 
Wanner, Karolina (I65438)
135737 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 450 62 
Sprenger, David (I63576)
135738 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 451 72
Death: 1882641/2 442 37 - 1m 
Haas, Katharina (I65871)
135739 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 452 83 
Göhring, Karl II. (I61008)
135740 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 452 86
Death: 1884103/2 689 52 - 7m - Father - from Odessa 
Bohländer, Christian (I55267)
135741 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 452 88

Uwe Zimbelmann:
Karl Stumpp: S.691#137 
Stöbner, Andreas (I98899)
135742 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 452 91 
Ketterling, Jakob (I116211)
135743 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 453 95 
Haas, Georg (I65900)
135744 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 461 5

Karen Abel:
UID: D2A3554354B34E4389DE5EE1F6B2286C875F
1. Title: Odessa Library - Publication: www.odessa3.org
2. Title: Woehl/Wohl data as prepared by Ken Aisenbrey, received from Ron Vossler and Arlene Woehl
3. Title: Census

Lisa Montoya:
UID 71FFE0AB969A46A4BA5D6863B950D4683CB4
1. Erwin Ulmer, Leaves of the Ulmer Tree of Sutton From Rohrbach.
2. Erwin Ulmer, Leaves of the Ulmer Tree of Sutton From Rohrbach.
3. Erwin Ulmer, Leaves of the Ulmer Tree of Sutton From Rohrbach. 
Ulmer, Christina Regina (I30725)
135745 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 461 6 - Bapt 29-Jan 
Büchler, Margaretha (I21817)
135746 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 461 7

Lisa Montoya:
UID 88D6DF6A5E7042CD866141CF65F532B6BD94 
Perlenfein, Jacob (I1549)
135747 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 462 15 - Bapt 29-Apr 
Roth, Ottilia (I92828)
135748 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 464 31 - Bapt 21-Oct 
Schrötlin, Anna Maria (I92873)
135749 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 466 24 - Bapt 4-Jul 
Jenner, Carl (I89426)
135750 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu/:
Born: 1884101/1 467 32 - Bapt 29-Jul 
Fehr, Carolina (I94566)