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 #   Notizen   Verknüpft mit 
139901 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884111/2 585 4
Familie: Hochhalter, Friedrich / Rüb, Margaretha (F37183)
139902 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884120/1 640 17

Ruth Davidson:
Married: in Klein-Bergdorf 
Familie: Schauer, Philipp / Heyd, Barbara (F18174)
139903 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884123/4 114 10  
Familie: Heinle, Adam / Mühlbeier, Katharina (F712)
139904 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884123/4 142 8  
Familie: Bachmann, Gottlieb Jr. / Stoller, Regina (F1180)
139905 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884123/4 48 13 
Familie: Bieber, Johann Salomon / Gaub, Maria Magdalena (F17539)
139906 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884125/2 592 5 
Familie: Straile, Johannes / Minderlen, Katharina (F56658)
139907 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1884125/2 701 13  
Familie: Strasser, Johann Philipp / Hust, Elisabeth (F21142)
139908 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895610/1 171 32 
Familie: Eisenbeiß, Jakob Georg / Gaub, Katharina (F29665)
139909 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895610/1 171 45 
Familie: Brandner, Johann Jr. / Kemmet, Katharina (F21404)
139910 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895610/1 223 34, 1884082/2 225 22 
Familie: Bentz, Johann / Raile, Magdalena (F16476)
139911 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 177 16 
Familie: Ladner, Heinrich / Klein, Rosina (F30916)
139912 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 47 25 
Familie: Zimbelmann, Michael / Frommenschläger, Emilie (F16872)
139913 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 811 16 
Familie: Hof, Simon / Bamesberger, Mathilda (F29105)
139914 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 884 20  
Familie: Zimbelmann, Heinrich / Bachmann, Eva (F157)
139915 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 885 36 - Worms Parish 
Familie: Brandner, Johann Sr. / Krause, Barbara (F27618)
139916 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895615/2 885 38 - Worms parrish

Holger Fait:
Married: Rohrbach, Worms, Odessa, Bessarabien 
Familie: Stoller, Peter / Fuhrmann, Sophia (F6515)
139917 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895622/1 776 18  
Familie: Fuhrmann, Heinrich Ernst / Harr, Christina (F6298)
139918 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895624/1 644 17 
Familie: Opp, Friedrich Carl / Hausauer, Eva (F17738)
139919 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895624/1 644 9 - auch: 1895624/1 709 8 - Cassel

Coleen Mielke:
Married: 1882649/3 230 4

Walter Guthmiller:
Married: Kassel Glueckstal Odessa South Russia - auch
Familie: Gaub, Joseph Wilhelm Jr. / Ketterling, Karolina (F31242)
139920 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895624/1 747 4  
Familie: Bock, Johann Georg / Wetzel, Henrike (F23621)
139921 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1895629/1 795 16 
Familie: Sonnenfeld, Georg / Kauk, Margaretha (F47383)
139922 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1897592/2 161 18 
Familie: Ladner, Heinrich / Flemmer, Elisabetha (F30915)
139923 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1897593/1 712 8 
Familie: Straile, Gottlieb / Herr, Christina (F56657)
139924 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1897593/2 775 29  
Familie: König, Johann Georg / Sonnenfeld, Elisabeth (F47384)
139925 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Married: 1897593/2 775 33 
Familie: Morhardt, Gottlieb / Seitz, Barbara (F23668)
139926 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:

Teresa G. Baldry:
Records of birth (calculated) & death found in Gluckstal Deaths Bk. p.23, extracted from St. Petersburg film 1884092 #30,status married.

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 99650268599AE14EBEEEAB66C43EDAD0F3F1
1. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Births and Marriages 1833-1900 - Harold M. Ehrman - Source Media Type: Book - p155,264
2. Title: Glueckstal Colonies Deaths 1833-1885 - Harold M. Ehrman - Source Media Type: Book - Page: p 23
3. Title: Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 - Karl Stumpp - Page: p 685 # 75 Kas 
Knapp, Margaretha (I116186)
139927 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
1883189/2 380 16 
Familie: Zimbelmann, Adam / Lagge, Margaretha (F327)
139928 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882594/3 63 18 
Heinle, Adam (I1193)
139929 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882594/3 72 39
Death: 1882594/3 82 7

Holger Fait:
Born: Worms, Odessa, Bessarabien
Death: Worms, Odessa, Bessarabien 
Trautmann, Karolina (I133176)
139930 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882638/1 76 46

Lilia Herlez:
Death: 17. Feb 1935

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: D7352BEE8353CF4ABA585E507F6C4D101C46

Information on birth from Rohrbach Parish Johannestal births and deaths on LDS Film #1882638 pg 76 item 46. Godparents for Matheaus were Matthaeus Sailer & wife Magdalena and Gottlieb Sailer Obituary of Matt Sayler: And Johannes Sayler Book pg 300 by Verine Reimann Matthias Sayler was a pioneer resident of Herbron, ND for nearly 30 years. He was 87 yrs 5 mos and 20 days at the time of his death. He came to America with his wife Maria in 1872 settling in Blissfield, Michigan where they made their home for a year. They moved to Scotland, SD where they made their home until in 1905 when they moved with their family to Hebron, ND where they have made their home since. In Hebron, Matthias bought a farm from Fred Schweigert adjoining the city to the north and this is now occupied by his son, August. The last six years of his life he lived with his grandchildren, the Webers. 
Sailer, Matthäus (I20011)
139931 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882643/1 198 12

Karen Abel:
UID: 5EF0009CADE0465391C68B4758FC953B5D8F
1. Title: Odessa Library - Publication: www.odessa3.org 
Moser, Jakob (I18029)
139932 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882645/2 157 18 - auch 1883189/2 382 6

Lilia Herlez:
Born: 1833

Black Sea:
Marriage: FHL mfilm # 1883189/2, p. 382.
St. Petersburg Russia Lutheran Church Records, FHL mfilm #1883189/2, p. 382. 
Barth, Jakob Ludwig (I44312)
139933 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882646/2 181 19

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 5AC2889A96FDD747A1202730FD778B1C2259

Hans Leibbrandt:
The records from St Petersburg, Russia for Johannestal, in the Rohrbach Parish of South Russia gives information that Barbara was the Widow Ullmer at the time of her marriage to Gottlieb Sailer on Nov 12 1856. Found on LDS Microfilm # 1884101/1 Page 514, Reg 29

Barbara HEINLE born 28 June 1836 in Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia was the daughter of Christian Friedrich HEINLE (1802-1856) and Anna Maria ZIMMERMANN (1796-1884).
Barbara married Gottlieb ULMER on the 11th of November 1855. He died on the 9th of January 1856. Barbara married Gottlieb G SAYLER on the 12th of November 1856 in Rohrbach, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia. This union was blessed with 16 children (5 died in infancy).
Barbara at the age of 36 with her husband Gottlieb and their children; Gottlieb, Fredericka, Katharina, Christian, Ludwig, Wilhelm, Christina and Johannes, immigrated to America via the Port of Liverpool, Great Britain aboard the SS "City of Bristol" and arrived at the Port of New York, New York on the 18th of November 1872. 
Heinle, Barbara (I19975)
139934 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882647/3 137 43

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: E3C4DF27E1D62A4BA294AA2675B2C96E3D9E 
Heinle, Friederika (I19995)
139935 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882647/3 148 5 
Moser, Ludwig (I44111)
139936 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882647/3 149 22

Born: 05 Jun 1839

Teresa G. Baldry:
Born: 6. Mai 1839 
Holzwarth, Katharina (I4121)
139937 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1882647/3 151 39

Karen Abel:
UID: CAAABD7A5B1C4B26B3ADB61263EAF6161417
1. Title: Odessa Library - Publication: www.odessa3.org 
Moser, Georg Karl (I18031)
139938 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1883188/2 446 39

Jessica Sanders:
Born: 27 Sep 1853

Eike Formella:
Born: 27 Sep 1853

Born: 28 Sep 1853

Death: 1937

Gerald Ott:
1. St. Petersburg Russia Lutheran Church Records, FHL mfilm #1883188/2, p. 446

Karen Abel:
UID: D1B8277208C0423A887B8D49969472F2CD44
Born: 28 Sep 1853
1. Title: Sutton, NE - Clay County Church records - Publication: odessa3.org 
Reichert, Andreas (I44265)
139939 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1883189/2 366 15

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: D6C62925F000CD44A0EDDBB4175C8D676ED1

Information from Gordon Auch also McLean County History Book
Information from Johannes Sayler Book pg 38 - by Verine Reimann In 1873 Johannes Schafer immigrated to the US making his first home in Lesterville, SD. After his marriage to Friedricka Sayler they moved to a farm near Lesterville, where they lived with their family until 1902 when they traveled to ND with 13 children and settled about 8 miles southwest of Underwood, ND. Mr Schafer purchased the Charles Merrill farm in Township 145-83. They retired in 1920 and moved into Underwood. Mr. Schafer death was caused by a hemorrhage. Friedericka came to this country when a girl of 15. Her parents lived a year at Sandusky, Ohio before moving to Lesteville, SD in 1874. After her husband's death, she remained in Underwood one year then made her home with her daughter, Mrs Don Schulz and Mrs. Henry Auch of Washburn, ND. 
Schäfer, Johannes (I43907)
139940 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884084/2 347 28 
Stoller, Johannes (I44399)
139941 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884092/1 565 25

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 2B76AC8D8337D24784868FF38D0B05946A35

Wilhelm and his wife are found in the 1910 McLean County, ND Census. The birth date for Wilhelm was given as Mar 19 1868
The birth date for Wilhelm Sayler was given as Feb 13 1868 in the Sheridan County, ND History Book pg 647. 
Sailer, Wilhelm (I19984)
139942 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884092/1 627 31 
Stoller, Heinrich (I44400)
139943 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884094/2 229 16

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 45E9A89D42F98F49A6A451A7B559A876F48C

Lilia Herlez:
Death: 24 Jul 1921

Information on death date and marriage date from Theophil & Ruth Tesky, Billings, MT - They give the death date as Nov 29 1927.
Information taken from the GRHS Pedigree Chart of Agnes (Tesky) Biegel gives the death date of Katharina as Nov 24 1921 in Venturia, ND 
Sailer, Katharina (I19980)
139944 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884099/3 575 28 
Stoller, Heinrich (I44401)
139945 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884101/1 474 29

Lilia Herlez:
Born: 27 Aug 1856

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 1A079AD73E313845ADB5ECA8A010583DB9C8
Born: 27 Aug 1859

Information from Theophil & Ruth Tesky of Billings, MT - they give the birth date of Michael Delzer as Aug 27 1859, the death date as Mar 31 1919.
Information taken from GRHS Pedigree Chart of Agnes (Tesky) Biegel gives the birth date as Aug 27 1856, and the death date as May 31 1919.

Delzer, Michael (I43876)
139946 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884103/2 629 19

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: A1E3A9F52720354AAA441A4559EA1831C190 
Kost, David M. (I16182)
139947 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884111/2 666 2

moved to California in 1899

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 7474D7AA8D45F443A3B4C6A64B5134DADF2D
Wohnort: 1880 Township 96, Yankton, Dakota Territory

Born: Feb. 14, 1874
dau of Jacob "Jake" Kost / Christina Ochsner
m Jul 1892 Menno, Hutchinson Co., SD
Jacob A. Hieb 
Kost, Christina (I16184)
139948 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884123/1 589 5

Lilia Herlez:
Death: 11 Jan 1914

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 04747370D0A4544FA4FAC3A5B09723E7C954
1. Title: Roscoe SD, Centennial Book, 1883-1983 - MK - 25 Nov 1995 www.odessa3.org 
Sailer, Christian (I19981)
139949 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884123/4 120 30

later moved to California

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 9AF2972000250D47A5B7030AA1FAE15EFF47
1880 Township 96, Yankton, Dakota Territory 
Kost, Jacob (I16183)
139950 www.pixel.cs.vt.edu:
Born: 1884123/4 99 39

Walter Guthmiller:
UID: 3FECBAF83803BD4EA857F36FE5BD449F09D9

Ludwig Sayler married Magdalena Sayler (a second cousin)
Ludwig's birth record is found in the St. Petersburg, Russia records for the Rohrbach Parish on LDS Microfilm 1884123/4, Pg 99, Reg 39.
Ludwig and Magdalena are listed in the 1900 McIntosh County Census - showing Immigration date of 1870. Magdalena was born May 1869 and listed her age as 31. 4 children were listed in the census all born in North Dakota.
Information found in the Sheridan County, ND History Book pg 647, submitted by Roy Hermann gives the birth date of Ludwig Sayler as 1869.

Ludwig SAYLER born 28 July 1864 in Johannestal, Beresan, Odessa, South Russia was the son of Gottlieb G SAYLER Sr. and Barbara HEINLE.
Ludwig at the age of 8 with his parents and siblings; Gottlieb, Fredericka, Katharina, Christian, Wilhelm, Christina and Johannes, immigrated to America via the Port of Liverpool, Great Britain aboard the SS "City of Bristol" and arrived at the Port of New York, New York on the 18th of November 1872.
Ludwig SAYLER married his 2nd cousin Magdalena Mathilda SAYLER in 1889 in McIntosh County, North Dakota. This union was blessed with no less than 5 children. 
Sailer, Ludwig (I19982)