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 #   Notizen   Verknüpft mit 
101 Alexander Schell:
Tod: 22 Mai 1860 
Schell, Johann Philipp I. (I260531)
102 Alfred Danzer:
Born: 1802 
Huhn, Eva (I57487)
103 Alfred Danzer:
Tod: 1815, Beresowka, Gebiet Großliebental, Region Odessa 
Jeske, Johann (I266511)
104 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: 15 Jun 1913 
Sass, Erma I. (I173284)
105 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: Buchenlohe, Germany 
Huiras, Theresia (I173052)
106 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: Mecklingburg-Streilitz, [county], [state], Germany 
Sass, Karl (I173296)
107 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: Pent Town, [county], Indiana, USA 
Miller, Philip Jacob (I173056)
108 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: Waldeck, Mecklenbury, Strehlitz, Germany 
Sass, Charles W. (I173269)
109 Alicia Marie Potter:
Born: Waldegk, Mecklingburg-Streitliz, [state], Germany
Burial: Mt Hope Cemetery-West Point, [county], Nebraska, USA 
Sass, Maria (I173240)
110 Alicia Marie Potter:
Burial: Mt Hope Cemetery-West Point, [county], Nebraska, USA 
Sass, Frederica F. (I173297)
111 Alicia Marie Potter:
Death: 1969 
Schroeder, Wilhelm (I173266)
112 Alicia Marie Potter:
Death: Huron Reginal Medical Center, Huron, SD
joining the United States Air Force on November 7, 1942. He was stationed in Lecce, Italy during World War II, with the 15th Air Force, 98th Bomb Group, 343rd Bomb Squadron. He was honorably discharged on September 13, 1945.

Joseph "Rusty" Greiner, age 95, of 1251 Arizona Ave SW, Huron, died Saturday, December 13, 2008 at the Huron Regional Medical Center.
His funeral service will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday, December 18th, at the Welter Funeral Home with burial at Garden of Honor Cemetery, Las Vegas, NV.
Visitation will be Wednesday from 1-8 p.m. at the Welter Funeral Home; or Thursday morning one hour prior to the service at the funeral home.
Joseph Russell Greiner was born on April 21, 1913, to Alfred and Julia (Touney) Greiner at Mason City, IA. He moved to South Dakota with his family in 1922. He graduated from Murdo High School in 1931. After graduating he worked for area ranchers until joining the United States Air Force on November 7, 1942. He was stationed in Lecce, Italy during World War II, with the 15th Air Force, 98th Bomb Group, 343rd Bomb Squadron. He was honorably discharged on September 13, 1945.
On June 26, 1946, Rusty married Erma Sass in Mitchell, SD. He worked as a mechanic in Mitchell for several years until buying the Castle Café in Huron and they ran it for six years. In 1962, they moved to California and purchased another café and ran it until his wife got sick. He then worked for Calavar Corporation. He retired in 1976 and moved to Boulder City, Nevada. Rusty moved back to Huron in 2002.
He is survived by many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his wife, parents, one sister Jessie, and two brothers, William and Robert. 
Greiner, Joseph Russell (I173285)
113 Alicia Marie Potter:
Death: North Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA 
Armstrong, Edwin Francis (I173081)
114 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Familie: Lebend / Lebend (F57171)
115 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Lebend (I172878)
116 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Lebend (I172879)
117 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Lebend (I15784)
118 Alois Geiger:
Note: alle Daten unsicher - Josef Michel aus meinem alten Stammbaum 
Michel, Kaspar Josef (I248729)
119 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Lebend (I275)
120 Amanda Jean Giese:
Born: 1869 
Giese, Christian (I270967)
121 Amanda Jean Giese:
Born: Rheinland-Pfalz 
Römmich, Johann Georg (I213362)
122 Amanda Rose Mason:
Born: Whately, Franklin Co., Mass, USA

Born: 7 Mai 1798 
Morton, Theodocia (I267959)
123 amilysearch.org:
Ross, Anne Marguerite (I256000)
124 amilysearch.org:
ID: K8VM-369 
Pomereinke, Jakob (I258957)
125 amilysearch.org:
Frey, Johannes Martin II. (I262534)
126 amilysearch.org:
ID: KGV2-T92 
Schneider, Georg (I266874)
127 Amy Wellman:
Moore, Susannah (I271275)
128 Amy Wellman:
Wellman, Ebenezar Jr. (I271274)
129 Amy Wellman:
Smith, Rheuama (I271277)
130 Mit dieser Bemerkung ist mindestens eine lebende Person verknüpft - Details werden aus Datenschutzgründen nicht angezeigt. Lebend (I15281)
131 Ancestors.familysearch.org
Born: Wolcott, Norfolk, England 
Donnes, Edith (I215062)
132 Ancestors.familysearch.org
Death: Cumberworth, East Lindsey, Lincolnshire, England 
Morton, Margery (I215042)
133 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1150 bis 1180 
Walcott, John (I215069)
134 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1200 bis 1210 
Walcott, Jane (I215068)
135 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1225 bis 1230 
Walcott, Sir Jeran (I215064)
136 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1225 bis 1230 
Mynde, Anna (I215065)
137 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1370 bis 1370
Death: 1397 bis 1398 
le Scrope, Maude Matilda (I215052)
138 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1440 ? - 1 Jahr bei Geburt der Tochter (Zimbelmann) 
LeBoteler, Julian (I215044)
139 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1484 or 1493 - Worcester, Worcester, Worcestershire, Enggland
Death: Worcester, Worcester, Worcestershire, Enggland 
Horne, Joane (I215037)
140 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1531 ? Featherstone, Metropolitan Borough of Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England - mit 12 Jahren geheiratet (Zimbelmann) 
Beckwith, Marmaduke Thomas (I215202)
141 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 1906

Zimpelman, Ruth Ellen (I195953)
142 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 25 Jan 1856

Scroggin, James Wesley (I214981)
143 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: 26 Okt 1926

Zimbelman, Betty June (I20882)
144 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: Bavaria - vermutlich Bayerisch Pfalz (Zimbelmann) 
Kerth, Hans Bestel (I214950)
145 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: Billigheim, Pfalz, Bayern, Deutschland

Lucy Simpson:
Death: at the age of 25 years. She was proper and good, and an honorable woman! She and her unbaptized little boy were buried together and a final sermon was given for both of them.

Karen Abel:
UID: D44F3F47646B4DAB970DEB6077D1388665F6
Death: Maria Magdalena Tropf, geb. Hoffmann? from Rohrbach, wife of Benedict Tropf, Wagnermeister, at age 25 years. 
Hoffmann, Maria Magdalena (I35742)
146 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: District two, Lewis Co, Kentucky 
Reed, James H. (I214985)
147 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: Duche De Treves, Leinsweiler, Pfalz, Bayern 
Ziegler, Anna Clara (I214955)
148 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: Eldersfield, Malvern Hill, Worcestershire, England
Death: Bristel, Avon, Gloucestershire, England 
Blount, William (I215036)
149 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: from 1532 to 1546 
Jackson, Katheryn (I215033)
150 Ancestors.familysearch.org:
Born: from 1565 to 1585 
Sherratt, Anne (I215027)

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